Ashes of Roses

What is the main conflict in Ashes of Roses by Mary Jane Auch?

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"Ashes of Roses" by Mary Jane Auch tells the tale of an Irish immigrant family that comes to New York with hopes of finding their fortune. Michael Nolan, his wife Margaret, and their four children - Margaret Rose, Maureen, Bridget and Joseph - travel from Limerick to America aboard a ship filled with immigrants. Margaret Rose, the main character, details the trip, comparing their two weeks in steerage to being sardines in a can. It is February and Margaret Rose claims that she has forgotten what the sun looks like. Unable to sleep, Margaret Rose sneaks out of the bunk she shares with Bridget and goes up on deck. The only person there in the gray dawn is the same man that is always up on deck. He points out the Narrows to Margaret Rose and tells her that New York Harbor is right on the other side. Margaret Rose runs back to the sleeping compartment to wake her family and to tell them about the arrival. Margaret Rose is desperate to see the Statue of Liberty. The statue captivates Margaret Rose.