And of Clay Are We Created

Why do you think the people of the town ignored the warnings? Does this seem realistic to you? Why or why not?

Why do you think the people of the town ignored the warnings? Does this seem realistic to you? Why or why not?

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The geologists knew that the volcano would awaken. They set up their seismological equipment to record the impending eruption. They warned that the ice on the slopes of the volcano could be dislodged and the results could be disastrous for the populations below. However, these people who had lived below the volcano for so long, did not believe them and did not want to change their lives. The villages that scorned their predictions heard a great roar one day from somewhere beneath their cotton fields and were buried in the avalanche of stones and clay that fell on top of them along with the endless flood of molten lava. Twenty thousand human beings were said to have perished along with an infinity of animals. Forests, river disappeared. All that was left was hardened clay soup- mud and the endless bodies floating in it, some dead and some alive.