An Astrologer's Day

After dinner, sitting on pyol, he told her, " do you know a great load is gone from me today". Through this sentence, explain the significance of the title, 'An Astrologer day'.

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In the story's conclusion, Nayak pays the astrologer and leaves. The astrologer then heads home. Since he is late, his wife is at the door waiting for him and insists on an explanation for his delay. This becomes the occasion for the astrologer to give his wife the extra money he earned by winning the wager and to add that now a great load has been lifted off his mind. All these years he had thought that he had killed a man, and that is why he had run away from the village. Today he realized that the victim was in fact alive and well. The wife is mystified and doesn't understand the full story, and the astrologer does not care to elaborate. For the reader, at this moment, the entire sequence of events makes perfect sense. The client was none other than the person who had been stabbed by the astrologer; for obvious reasons, Nayak fails to recognize the astrologer. The author's strategy of ensuring that the encounter takes place late in the evening ensures that the two do not recognize each other initially. In fact, it is only because Nayak lights a cigar that the astrologer gets the opportunity to see his face and recognize him. The story ends with the astrologer going to sleep, completely at peace with himself.


An Astrologer's Day