Ali & Nino

How does Kurban Said use imagery in Ali & Nino?


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Examples of Imagery:

"Our old town is full of secrets and mysteries, hidden nooks and little alleys. I love these soft night murmurs, the moon over the flat roofs, and the hot quiet afternoons in the mosque's courtyard with its atmosphere of silent meditation. God let me be born here, a Muslim of the Shiite faith, in the religion of Imam Dshafar. May he be merciful and let me die here, in the same street, in the same house where I was born. Me and Nino, a Christian, who eats with knife and fork, has laughing eyes and wears filmy silk stockings." pg. 19

"I stood at the window. Suddenly I was overcome by a new and irresistible feeling—the cry gripped my soul with it warning, and I was filled with the desire for utter submission. I saw the drops of blood in the dust of the street, and I heard the sound of the tambourine, calling and liberating. This was it: the Mystery of the Unseen, the Gate of Sorrow, that leads to the Grace of the Redeemer. pg. 234


Ali & Nino