Agnes Grey

Who is Nancy Brown from Agnes Grey and what is their importance?

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Nancy Brown is a widow who suffers with rheumatism and an inflammation in her eyes. Agnes visits her often in order to read to her because Nancy can no longer read. It is during one of their visits that Nancy tells Agnes about her experience both with Mr. Hatfield and with Mr. Weston. She speaks of how Mr. Hatfield made her feel worse about her spiritual condition while Mr. Weston comforted her in practical ways. Nancy also tells Agnes that Mr. Weston comes and visits her more often than the former rector.
It is during one of Agnes' visits to Nancy's house that Mr. Weston also visits Nancy. Although Agnes and Mr. Weston may not realize it at the time, Nancy seems to be trying to draw the two together. Mr. Weston has just rescued Nancy's cat from Mr. Murray. It is raining and Nancy requests that Mr. Weston and Agnes both stay until the rain shower is over. Nancy tries to encourage the two to sit together by her fire, but Agnes insists on siting by the window to finish sewing a shirt for Nancy.