Agnes Grey

Who is Alice Grey from Agnes Grey and what is their importance?

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Alice Grey is the wife of Richard Grey and mother of Agnes and Mary. She was part of a wealthy family growing up, but her family disowned her when she decided to marry Richard, a relatively poor pastor. Although Alice had to give up the conveniences of having maids and assistants, she appears to have never regretted her decision. It is her mother's stories of her childhood that make Agnes want to go out and experience the world.
When Agnes' father dies, Agnes' mother is understandably mournful, but is kept busy enough that she does not let her loss depress her. She refuses to let Mary, her oldest daughter who is already married, take on the burden of caring for her the rest of her life. Instead, she decides to open a school and earn her own living.
Shortly after her husband's death, Agnes' mother receives a letter in the mail from her father telling her that she can be readmitted into the family if she will admit that her marriage to Richard Grey was a mistake and that she has been unhappy in her marriage. Agnes' mother refuses to do so even though this admission would make her life easier. When she asks her daughters what they would have her do in this position, they encourage her not to admit that any mistake was made. They would rather their mother be honest than lie and disgrace their father's memory, even if it means their lives would be more comfortable in terms of finances.