Across Five Aprils

Think about Jethro before his father’s heart attack and after. How has he changed? Complete the chart below for the person that Jethro is now in the book (the “adult” version of Jethro)

What does Jethro think about?

How does Jethro act?

What does Jethro look like?

What does he say?

This question is for chapter six, specifically pages 95 - 102.

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Last updated by Jill W
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Jethro is thinking about hbis experiences in town, and the things his family is experiencing. He thought about the unpredictability of men, and what it meant to become a man.

Jethro takes on the role on manhood without complaint. He is exhausted from the hard work, all of which he must fo alone.

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Across Five Aprils