Abnormal psychology


Thorndike argues in this article that psychologists along with their ideas should be kept out of the classroom.

Question 1 options:

A) True

B) False

Thorndike suggests that psychologists can use the classroom as a laboratory for discovering new ideas about psychology.

Question 2 options:

A) True

B) False

Thorndike argues there are no differences inherent in either men or women that would result in different learning abilities between the sexes.

Question 3 options:

A) True

B) False

According to Thorndike, psychologists will be able to suggest strategies to teachers for more effective learning outcomes in their classrooms.

Question 4 options:

A) True

B) False

Thorndike's article was the ____ to appear in the Journal of Educational Psychology.

Question 5 options:

A) First

B) Last

Darwin's subject was

Question 6 options:

A) One of his own infants.

B) An abandoned child left at a local orphanage.

C) A teenage boy.

D) The child of Jean Piaget

7.Darwin's article addresses which of the following attributes of development

Question 7 options:

A) Reflexes

B) Emotional

C) Cognitive/Language

D) All of the above

Darwin argues throughout the article that man is a direct descendant of monkeys.

Question 8 options:

A) true

B) false

Darwin employs which type of methodological analysis?

Question 9 options:

A) Statistical

B) Observational

C) Chemical

D) All of the above

Darwin argues that infants are incapable of expressing emotion.

Question 10 options:

A) True

B) False

The lectures were delivered by Sigmund Freud as part of his doctoral dissertation.

Question 11 options:

A) True

B) False

The purpose of Sigmund Freud's lectures were to disproved the ideas of Carl Jung.

Question 12 options:

A) True

B) False

Sigmund Freud's article is based on a careful statistical data analysis.

Question 13 options:

A) True

B) false

The following idea is explained in Sigmund Freud's article.

Question 14 options:

A) Neurosis

B) Dream Interpretation

C) Jokes

D) All of the above

Sigmund Freud's article is based on ____ lectures.

Question 15 options:

A) 3

B) 4

C) 5

D) 6

Dr. Broca's patient experienced a problem with his ability to

Question 16 options:

A) speak

B) hear

C) color vision

D) smell

Dr. Broca's deductions were based on completing a(n) _____ on the patient.

Question 17 options:

A) intelligence test

B) blood test

C) CAT Scan

D) autopsy

Dr. Broca concluded the cause for the patient's problem resided in the _____ lobe of the brain.

Question 18 options:

A) Occipital

B) frontal

C) temproal

Dr. Broca concluded the cause for the patient's problem resided on the _____ hemisphere of his brain.

Question 19 options:

A) Right

B) Left

When Dr. Broca's patient was asked a question, his response was

Question 20 options:

A) The use of the word "Tan".

B) Always spoken in Spanish. Although, the patient was never taught to speak any Spanish.

C) Spoken in rhyme.

John Harlow was

Question 21 options:

A) a country doctor.

B) The physician who treated Phineas Gage.

C) A surgical professor at Oxford University who reviewed all available literature written about Phineas Gage.

D) Both A and B are correct

John Harlow's article was written

Question 22 options:

A) 6 months following Phineas Gage's injury.

B) 25 years following Phineas Gage's injury.

C) 85 years following Phineas Gage's injury by the grandson of Dr. Harlow (who was also named John Harlow).

D) The day before Phineas Gage's accident.

The rod that was blasted at Phineas Gage's head was

Question 23 options:

A) shot completely through his head and landed many feet away.

B) logged into his head requiring two strong men to pull it free.

C) lofted 100 miles away and landed into the backside of a little old lady milking a cow.

D) made out of plastic.

Phineas Gage once

Question 24 options:

A) worked for the railroad.

B) worked as a stagecoach driver

C) All of the above

John Harlow was

Question 25 options:

A) a country doctor

B) The physician who treated Phineas Gage.

C) A surgical professor at Oxford University who reviewed all available literature written on Phineas Gage.

D) Both A and B are correct

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Last updated by Nick3334
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