Abe Lincoln Grows Up

What is the purpose of the Publisher's Note in the novel, Abe Lincoln Grows Up?

Abe Lincoln Grows Up

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The Publisher’s Note, located on the page before Chapter 1 begins, is an essential part of the biography because it explains how the biography should be read. It reveals that the biography is one part of a whole text. This means that these chapters were adapted for a younger audience and simplified. It also means that these 26 chapters are the exposition for the events that would happen later in Abraham Lincoln’s life. It explains that the illustrations by James Daugherty are drawn 30 years after the original publication, and he is inspired to draw them because of his own childhood in Indiana. The Publisher’s Note itself is not written until 1975. The layers of interpretation must be taken into consideration by readers because it informs them to filter the information presented through different lenses.

