A Storm of Swords

Who is Samwell Tarly from A Storm of Swords and what is their importance?

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Samwell Tarly from A Storm of Swords is Jon Snow's best friend. He was sent to serve as part of the Night's Watch because, though the first born son, he was inadequate to the task of being the heir (or so his father belived). He was sent to the wall to make room for his brother to become the heir. Meanwhile, Sam has become the keeper of the ravens, and is the one that sends out messages. When the Others attack he sends messages out to the seven kingdoms asking for help. He survives the attacks and escapes with his life. He manages to kill one Other with a dragon glass knife that Jon Snow had given him. Most of the survivors rendevous at Craster's house, but most of them mutiny and kill the Lord Commander. Sam convinces the remainder of the Night's watch to vote in Jon as the commander. Sam likes Gilly (Hoster's daughter wife) and wants to protect her and her unborn son.