A Slipping-down Life

Who is Clotelia from A Slipping-down Life and what is their importance?

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Clotelia is the cleaning lady at the house of Sam and Evie Decker. She is lazy and imperious, and perhaps worst of all, it seems to Evie that Clotelia has never developed a liking for her even after four years of working for the family. Clotelia does not mince words in her regular criticisms of Evie's appearance and actions. She spends a good deal of time at the house watching soap operas and talking back to the television. She often threatens to quit and find a better job, but it seems unlikely she could ever find an employer less demanding than Sam, who is cowed by her, and who never voices displeasure over her shoddy housekeeping. After Sam's death, when Evie calls Clotelia and asks her to stay the night with her at the house, Clotelia obliges, but it seems to be more out of curiosity than from any desire to comfort Evie. Instead, she continues to criticize Evie and Drum, and asks to take a mirror from the house that Sam, who has died that very night, had promised to her. Clotelia is a self-involved and unsavory character.