A Sand County Almanac

To Leopold, what are the specific issues endangering wilderness and natural spaces at the time of the book’s writing? Please list at least of 4 these issues

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The narrator argues that modern hunting has done away with all morals and ethical values that used to be in place in nature. Before, the hunter used to have great skill and patience when he hunted. He used to crawl through mud and wait for hours in the cold by the lake just for the opportunity to get a shot at a duck that might or might not come. It was the thrill of the chase that excited people and not how fast a person could kill twenty ducks. Now a duck hunter waits in a heated motor boat with duck call contraptions and duck decoys that lure the ducks to him. With one blast of the shot gun, he can kill more ducks than he can take back to camp with him, leaving some food for the scavengers around the lake. It takes him only a few hours to do what it used to take much longer. Modern gadgets really just even the playing field as people don't need to be as skilled anymore. They don't even have to be really great marksmen anymore, because they are using multiple bullets with one blast instead of the single bullet as it was before. Morality has left hunting. Though people in the past didn't have a higher sense of morality, they just didn't have the technology to overcome it as the modern people have. They killed with one bullet, because they had no other choice. They killed one deer at a time as they couldn't carry more than that to their camp site. There are many native people today that say they would use more of the land and hunt more if they only had the technology to do so. They don't live backwards because they want to.