A Sand County Almanac

Are Leopold's writings (ideas) similar to Thoreau's and Emerson's works-ideas? Why?

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I think there are similarities with the appreciation of nature. People don't appreciate what they don't know or understand. While a person from the city can enjoy wild flowers, he or she doesn't understand how they got there or what the life cycle of the plant is unless they take measures into their own hands and learn about the plants. There are so many different plants in the world that the smallest usually goes unnoticed because it isn't spectacular. People love beautiful flowers with spectacular blooms. The less extraordinary the bloom, the more ordinary the plant and the less people will care if it becomes extinct. This is sad in itself. What if that plant really does have a spectacular bloom, but it only comes around every five years? The problem is that people have short attention spans, and they won't wait around that long when they can have a rose that blooms every year without failing. If the rose does fail, they can go out and buy another plant, or buy a dozen already cut roses for their house. It is usually lesser species of things that suffer, and this will always be the case. Species of plants and animals are going extinct everyday because people don't care about them. In contrast people have the plants and animals that they do care about, to the point where they will actually harm them. This is similar to the reverence that Thoreau and Emerson give to nature in their writings.