A River Sutra

What are the motifs in A River Sutra by Gita Mehta?

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River sutra is a collection of stories linked together by one common thread -The Narmada River or the Narmada pilgrimage. The main motifs of River sutra are:

1.The River Narmada: The river is the most prominent and recurring motif in the novel.The narrator meets many people each with their own story on the banks of the river. The river is also a symbol of love throughout the novel.

2. Renunciation : The concept of renunciation is another recurring motif. The narrative starts off introducing the narrator as a 'Vanaprasthi' or someone who has renounced the world. The author deeply probes the real reason and meaning of renouncing the world.

3. Music: Music is another important motif in the novel. Most of the stories in the novel deal with music. Music is the essence of the life in and around the Narmada. The waves of the river is music in itself and the lyrical chants of the pilgrims " Shiva-o-ham, Shiva-o-ham "lends a spiritual feel to the villages surrounding the Narmada.

4.Traditions and Customs : Traditions and customs form another motif of the novel.Everything from the origin of the river to the beliefs prevalent in the region are explained using myths and customs that have been traditionally passed down the generations.