A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier

A Long Way Gone.. please answer I need help with only 5 questions. If you have read A Long way gone please help me answer these.

1. How has the author brought in new characters? Think about how and when they were introduced. Explain and give textual evidence to support your answer.

2.How has the author developed the characters in the memoir? Think about when and in what way the author introduces or adds new unknown details about the characters. Explain and give textual evidence to support your answer.

3.Give an example of a detail that the author has included to add complexity to the setting. Use a piece of textual evidence from the text and explain how this detail added complexity to the setting.

4. Give an example of a detail that the author has included to add complexity to another character (not the main character). Explain how that detail made the character more complex.

5. Give an example of a detail that the author has included to add complexity to themselves (main character). Explain how that detail made the character more complex.

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Last updated by Jill W
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In the novel, new characters are introduced as Ishmael makes his way from one place to another. Ishmael's family is introduced through memories, passing strangers as he interacts with them, groups as they form. Salva and his friends were separated by the rebels, he was also separated from his brother. The orphans in the camp became new groups, the rebels made them soldiers. When the boys are picked up by the van, we meet the people who will work for his rehabilitation, his uncle is inroduced as his rehabilitation progresses. Character are for the most part introduced chronologically.

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A Long Way Gone