A Fine White Dust

Who is Preacher Man from A Fine White Dust and what is their importance?

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James W. Carson, also known as Preacher Man, is recruited to give a sermon at the Baptist church during the church's revival. When he first appears in the story, Pete sees him hitchhiking on the highway outside of town. He spots him in the town's drugstore. where the tall man's piercing blue eyes seem to look right through him.

After Pete attends the Preacher Man's sermon, he can see that Pete is vulnerable, impressionable and full of admiration for him. He uses Pete to bolster his own ego and evokes sympathy by portraying himself as lonely but, unlike Jesus, without disciples. Eventually, Preacher Man convinces Pete that he's been touched by God, and that he should travel with him, so he can help save people from eternal damnation. Pete does not accompnay him, but a young woman from town does.... she returns three weeks later but refuses to talk about her experience with the "holy" man.


A Fine White Dust