A Feast for Crows

Who is Cersei Lannister from A Feast for Crows and what is their importance?

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Cersei Lannister from A Feast for Crows is the mother of Tommen Baratheon. Her daughter, Myrcella, is currently living in Sunspear, part of Dorne. Her oldest son, Joffrey, the former King of the Seven Kingdoms has just died from poison on his wedding day. She is vindictive, power hungry, and driven to excesses of every kind. However, clever she believes herself to be, her own relatives are more lethal than her other enemies could ever be. She is afraid of Tyrion Lannister, her dwarven brother, who has killed their father. She is afraid that he will return to kill her. It is only fair...she has tried to kill him several times. Likewise, her relationship with her other brother, Jaime, while incestuous at best, is now strained and ending as Jaime has had his eyes opened to her ruthless tendencies.