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Allan Holmberg had described the indians of the Americas as the Nomads of the Longbow, something later referred to as Holmberg’s Mistake by his critics. Holmberg described the Indians as frozen in time, and he said that they had nothing to contribute toward the advancement of mankind.

The North American Indians, on the other hand, believed that no man should be subordinate to another, and decisions made by a female clan member were not to be questioned...... ever. This is an most people are familiar with, and Mann makes a special point of stating the North American Indians lived in close proximity to the colonists and that they influenced the Europeans as much as the Europeans influenced the Indians or perhaps even more so. It is the author’s contention that if a modern person could go back in time to meet one of the Indians of North America that he would be meeting himself.


1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus