Esperanza Rising

Esperanza and Miguel take a train ride together as young childern.Compare this train ride to the one they take when going to live in America.

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In Chapter Four, Esperanza is tired, smells of Guavas, and unhappy that her second hand dress does not fit properly. Nonetheless, she is excited about the train ride. She supposes that it will be like the one with her father and Miguel. She is very disappointed. They board a smelly car with rows and rows of wooden seats already full of peasants, beggars, trash, and farm animals. Esperanza has never before been so close to so many filthy people. At her school, all the other children had been much like herself. Esperanza feels very uncomfortable here, and tells the others that they cannot continue like this. Mama explains that this is all they can afford, but Esperanza still feels the experience is beneath her.


Esperanza Rising