Zorba the Greek Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Zorba the Greek Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Zorba feel about the narrator's false promises made while Zorba was in Candia?
(a) He is extremely sad but willing to follow through.
(b) He is so angry that he ends their friendship.
(c) He is angry but willing to follow through on the promise.
(d) He is thrilled.

2. Why does Zorba refuse to sleep with Madame Hortense in Chapter 19?
(a) It is lent.
(b) He believes God wants them to wait until marriage.
(c) He is ill.
(d) He is unable to perform.

3. When he arrives in Candia, what news does the narrator receive?
(a) His friend Stavridaki has died.
(b) A new revolution has begun.
(c) His family is being held hostage.
(d) The widow was pregnant with his child when she died.

4. Who mocks the bishop's theories?
(a) Zorba.
(b) The narrator.
(c) Gavrili.
(d) Demetrios.

5. Who do Zorba and the narrator meet as they climb the mountain?
(a) A patron saint.
(b) Zaharia.
(c) Pavli's ghost.
(d) Demetrios.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Zorba invite his old boss to come and see in Chapter 26?

2. Upon his return from Candia, what does Zorba encourage the narrator to quickly get started on?

3. After rescuing Zorba from being captured, what happens to the widow in his war story?

4. For what action does Zorba grow proud of the narrator?

5. What does Zorba learn when he awakens from a dream in Chapter 23?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe the monastery bishop's first theory on religion.

2. What does the narrator succeed in doing in Chapter 21 that Zorba could not?

3. When writing letters to Madame Hortense, what does the narrator have to do?

4. What was Zaharia's inspiration for burning down the monastery?

5. What does Zorba say about women when the narrator reveals that he has proposed to Madame Hortense on his behalf?

6. Why does Anagnosti say that Pavli is blessed?

7. What story does Zorba tell in Chapter 20 that supports the theme that appearance creates reality?

8. What does Zorba say about the act of crying when Madame Hortense dies?

9. Describe what happened while Zorba was at war that changed his mind about judging a person based on nationality.

10. After the widow's murder, what happens when Zorba and Manolakas meet near the widow's garden?

Multiple Choice Answer Key

1. C
2. A
3. A
4. A
5. B

Short Answer Key

1. What does Zorba invite his old boss to come and see in Chapter 26?

A beautiful green stone.

2. Upon his return from Candia, what does Zorba encourage the narrator to quickly get started on?

The timber rail project.

3. After rescuing Zorba from being captured, what happens to the widow in his war story?

She dies when Zorba sets her village on fire.

4. For what action does Zorba grow proud of the narrator?

The narrator finally pursues the widow.

5. What does Zorba learn when he awakens from a dream in Chapter 23?

Madame Hortense is dying.

Short Essay Answer Key

1. Describe the monastery bishop's first theory on religion.

He believes that the shape of a flower influences its color and its color then has an influence on its properties which in turn produce a specific effect on humans. He summarizes this theory with the belief that men should be careful when walking through fields of flowers because of the peculiar effects the flowers are having on them.

2. What does the narrator succeed in doing in Chapter 21 that Zorba could not?

The narrator recognizes that Madame Hortense is seriously ill and takes care of her both mentally and physically. He mentally encourages her by reminding her of her wedding while physically bringing a doctor to attend to her. He uses Zorba's romantic speech tricks while conscientiously attending to her health as well. Zorba, on the other hand, is a successful romantic but not a responsible partner.

3. When writing letters to Madame Hortense, what does the narrator have to do?

The narrator must pretend he is Zorba. Therefore, he must take on Zorba's characteristics in his writings while looking for the best in Madame Hortense.

4. What was Zaharia's inspiration for burning down the monastery?

He says he was acting on a mission assigned to him by Archangel Michael. He acted, however, based on the knowledge he received from Zorba.

5. What does Zorba say about women when the narrator reveals that he has proposed to Madame Hortense on his behalf?

Zorba says that women are delicate creatures and are unable to handle such jokes.

6. Why does Anagnosti say that Pavli is blessed?

Pavli commits suicide by drowning, and Anagnosti says that he is blessed because he is free from the object of his desire, the widow. Anagnosti claims that Pavli could not have lived happily with or without her because he had so much passion for her but now he is at peace.

7. What story does Zorba tell in Chapter 20 that supports the theme that appearance creates reality?

Zorba tells a story in which his grandfather takes a piece of wood, calls it part of the True Cross, and declares that it will protect the soldier to whom he gifts it from all harm in battle. The soldier then becomes a brave and invincible warrior simply because he believes that he has nothing to fear.

8. What does Zorba say about the act of crying when Madame Hortense dies?

He says that he isn't ashamed to cry in front of men because of the unity they share. He says that crying in front of women is different because it is a man's job to prove his courage when before women.

9. Describe what happened while Zorba was at war that changed his mind about judging a person based on nationality.

While at war, Zorba murdered a Bulgarian priest who had been invading Greek villages and killing Greeks. Later, when Zorba sees the orphans of the priest, he realizes that nationality doesn't matter. Rather, "good" and "bad" are the only important classifications to consider.

10. After the widow's murder, what happens when Zorba and Manolakas meet near the widow's garden?

Manolakas challenges Zorba to a knife fight after having been beaten previously. Zorba tells him he will fight without weapons. Then the narrator intervenes and talks them down from fighting at all. They end up all drinking together.

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