Zorba the Greek Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Zorba the Greek Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Upon his return from Candia, what does Zorba encourage the narrator to quickly get started on?
(a) Publication of his manuscript.
(b) Building a monastery.
(c) Building a house for them to live in.
(d) The timber rail project.

2. Which character reveals that he had a son who died at the age of three?
(a) Mavrandoni.
(b) Manolakas.
(c) The narrator.
(d) Zorba.

3. What causes Zorba to become infuriated after Hortense's death?
(a) The narrator announces that he will leave Crete.
(b) Madame Hortense has not left him anything in her will.
(c) The narrator does not have the answers to his questions.
(d) The narrator fires him from the mine.

4. Who waits outside for Hortense to die in order to loot her belongings?
(a) The narrator.
(b) The mob.
(c) Dirge singers.
(d) The monks.

5. What does the narrator promise to binge on so that he no longer desires it?
(a) Books.
(b) Alcohol.
(c) Food.
(d) Women.

6. What do the narrator and Zorba do on Easter Sunday?
(a) Make a feast for the village orphans.
(b) Make a feast for Madame Hortense.
(c) Swim in the ocean.
(d) Walk into Candia.

7. What happens to Gavrili in the night at the monastery?
(a) He is raped.
(b) He is held hostage by invaders.
(c) He thinks he hears God speaking to him.
(d) He is murdered by his lover.

8. What miracle do the monks come down from the mountain to share?
(a) The Holy Virgin of Revenge has killed an army of invaders.
(b) The Holy Virgin of Revenge has killed Zaharia.
(c) Zaharia saved a man through meditation.
(d) Zaharia has reached enlightenment.

9. What does Zorba say prompted him to quit the army?
(a) Torching a village.
(b) Being trapped in a trench with dead bodies.
(c) Seeing the orphans of a priest he killed.
(d) seeing children murdered.

10. How does the narrator respond to the bishop's theories on religion?
(a) "Those theories would benefit from inclusion of my theory."
(b) "Those theories fall short of a true God."
(c) "Those theories may save many souls."
(d) "Those theories cannot help a man of the world."

11. How does Zorba compare to Hortense's former lovers in her eyes?
(a) He is not as handsome.
(b) He is not as exotic.
(c) He is less sexually satisfying.
(d) He is not as good a conversationalist.

12. Why does Pavli commit suicide?
(a) He was fired from the mine.
(b) He was in love with someone not in love with him.
(c) He felt he was not talented enough to please his father.
(d) He could not understand the nature of God.

13. What happens when the first log is tested on the new railway?
(a) It rail system works well but is in need of a few minor adjustments.
(b) The whole structure shakes and the log is destroyed along the way.
(c) The structure is sound, and the log reaches its destination.
(d) The structure shakes unsteadily, but the log makes it all the way.

14. Why does the narrator call a doctor on Easter?
(a) The widow appears to be pregnant.
(b) Zorba has grown very ill.
(c) The widow has fallen from a cliff.
(d) Madame Hortense has grown very ill.

15. Who closes Hortense's eyes when she dies?
(a) The narrator.
(b) Anagnosti.
(c) A priest.
(d) Zorba.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens when the fourth log is tested on the rail system?

2. For what action is Zorba trying to make up for by his actions in Chapter 18?

3. What news does the monk Zaharia bring in Chapter 24?

4. What does Zorba ask the narrator to explain to him in Chapter 24?

5. Who publicly defends the accused and attempts to break up the mob which seeks justice for Pavli's death?

Multiple Choice Answer Key

1. D
2. D
3. C
4. C
5. A
6. B
7. D
8. B
9. C
10. C
11. B
12. B
13. B
14. D
15. D

Short Answer Key

1. What happens when the fourth log is tested on the rail system?

The entire system collapses.

2. For what action is Zorba trying to make up for by his actions in Chapter 18?

Spending all of the narrator's money in Candia.

3. What news does the monk Zaharia bring in Chapter 24?

He has burned down the monastery.

4. What does Zorba ask the narrator to explain to him in Chapter 24?

Death and why people die.

5. Who publicly defends the accused and attempts to break up the mob which seeks justice for Pavli's death?

The narrator.

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