Zorba the Greek Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Zorba the Greek Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does the narrator feel like he can forget about the Enlightened One?
(a) He has finished his Buddha Manuscript.
(b) His sexual relationship is more fulfilling that meditation.
(c) He has become engrossed with the physical world.
(d) Mining is all that he cares about now.

2. What causes the Easter celebration to abruptly stop?
(a) A man starts screaming.
(b) The monks flood into the church.
(c) A small child is killed.
(d) The widow enters the church.

3. Why does the narrator call a doctor on Easter?
(a) The widow has fallen from a cliff.
(b) Zorba has grown very ill.
(c) Madame Hortense has grown very ill.
(d) The widow appears to be pregnant.

4. What message does the narrator tell Madame Hortense that Zorba has sent from Candia?
(a) He says that Zorba wants to stay longer in the city.
(b) He tells her that Zorba says he is never returning.
(c) He tells her that Zorba has proposed marriage to her.
(d) He reports that Zorba has said he wants a raise.

5. When the narrator loses everything, what does he find?
(a) Revolution.
(b) Intense sorrow.
(c) Death.
(d) Happiness.

6. Who claims the right to pronounce judgment on the widow regarding Pavli's death?
(a) Mavrandoni.
(b) Anagnosti.
(c) Manolakas.
(d) Zorba.

7. In Chapter 16,what type of power does the narrator attempt to describe?
(a) The power of the rail system.
(b) The power of the mind concentrated on one thing.
(c) The power of the human body.
(d) The power of a sexual relationship.

8. What does the narrator come across while walking on the mountain path?
(a) A human skeleton.
(b) A cave.
(c) An ancient inscribed tablet.
(d) The ruins of a Minoan city.

9. Who do Zorba and the narrator meet as they climb the mountain?
(a) Demetrios.
(b) Pavli's ghost.
(c) A patron saint.
(d) Zaharia.

10. What happens to Gavrili in the night at the monastery?
(a) He is raped.
(b) He is held hostage by invaders.
(c) He is murdered by his lover.
(d) He thinks he hears God speaking to him.

11. When she dies, who brings the officials to inventory Madame Hortense's belongings?
(a) Anagnosti.
(b) Manolakas.
(c) Mavrandoni.
(d) Zorba.

12. From whom must Zorba and the narrator rent land for the timber rail project?
(a) Madame Hortense.
(b) The governor of Crete.
(c) Anagnosti.
(d) Monks at the monastery.

13. Who fights the mob leader in an attempt to save the widow?
(a) the narrator.
(b) Zorba.
(c) Pavli.
(d) Mavrandoni.

14. How do the negotiations over land between Zorba and the abbot begin?
(a) Zorba insists that they pay more.
(b) They agree completely to the original negotiation.
(c) The abbot tries to charge more money than agreed upon.
(d) The abbot charges a lesser amount to prove his devotion to a higher power.

15. What does the narrator inherit from Zorba?
(a) The santuri.
(b) All of Zorba's belongings.
(c) A green stone.
(d) All of Hortense's belongings.

Short Answer Questions

1. When he arrives in Candia, what news does the narrator receive?

2. How does Zorba feel about the narrator's false promises made while Zorba was in Candia?

3. What do the narrator and Zorba do on Easter Sunday?

4. The narrator disagrees with the way the old man on the mountain trail does what?

5. Who does the narrator see as he is walking toward the village on Easter?

Multiple Choice Answer Key

1. A
2. D
3. C
4. C
5. D
6. A
7. B
8. D
9. D
10. C
11. A
12. D
13. B
14. C
15. A

Short Answer Key

1. When he arrives in Candia, what news does the narrator receive?

His friend Stavridaki has died.

2. How does Zorba feel about the narrator's false promises made while Zorba was in Candia?

He is angry but willing to follow through on the promise.

3. What do the narrator and Zorba do on Easter Sunday?

Make a feast for Madame Hortense.

4. The narrator disagrees with the way the old man on the mountain trail does what?

The old man does not treat his wife as an equal.

5. Who does the narrator see as he is walking toward the village on Easter?

The widow.

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