Zorba the Greek Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Zorba the Greek Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Zorba blame for Madame Hortense's promiscuity?
(a) A priest.
(b) God.
(c) Her mother.
(d) Her father.

2. With what does the narrator compare his lustful feelings for the widow to?
(a) Not ever finding any lignite in the mine.
(b) The widow's garden.
(c) Walking on the beach at night.
(d) The temptation of Buddha by the Evil One.

3. What act has Zorba performed that symbolizes the connection between freedom and manliness?
(a) He cut part of his ear off because it was larger than the other.
(b) He carried everyone's bags onto the ship.
(c) He cut part of his finger off because it got in the way of his pottery.
(d) He brutally killed hundreds of people in the revolution.

4. What is the ultimate physical experience for Zorba?
(a) Mining.
(b) Sex.
(c) Playing a musical instrument.
(d) Going to war.

5. What does Zorba think is the best way to run the mine?
(a) Cruel authority.
(b) Bonus awards.
(c) A voting system.
(d) Volunteer work.

6. What reason does Zorba give for having attacked his old boss?
(a) He claims the man kissed his girlfriend.
(b) He says the man cheated him.
(c) He offers no excuse or reason.
(d) He says the man tried to assault him first.

7. What happens at the celebration in Chapter 5?
(a) The slaughter of sheep.
(b) The castration of pigs.
(c) Several marriage ceremonies.
(d) The eating of elaborate cakes.

8. How does Zorba feel about women?
(a) He does not take them seriously but enjoys them physically.
(b) He feels closer to them than he does to men.
(c) He doesn't speak to them but looks constantly for a wife.
(d) He believes they are intellectually superior to men.

9. Who does the narrator receive letters from in Chapter 12?
(a) His mother and his old friend.
(b) Karayannis and Zorba.
(c) His old friend and Karayannis.
(d) Karayannis and his father.

10. What does the narrator decide about the poetry he has always loved?
(a) It helped him get through his youth but is of little value now.
(b) It is a foundational part of his sophisticated world view.
(c) It is worthless and does not relate to the true human experience.
(d) It should be banned and removed from all libraries.

11. Why does Zorba begin to feel restless and depressed while in Candia?
(a) He realizes he's aging.
(b) He has suddenly become afraid of mining.
(c) He has fallen in love.
(d) He is going to be a father.

12. Who does Zorba suggest that the narrator romantically pursue?
(a) Noussa.
(b) Madame Hortense.
(c) The long lost love of his life.
(d) The widow.

13. At the feast at Noussa's house, what does Zorba say happened after he gave the toast?
(a) A concert.
(b) An extravagant meal.
(c) An orgy.
(d) A candle lighting ceremony.

14. What reason does the narrator give in his argument that Zorba should not pressure him to visit the widow?
(a) Acting impulsively is against his nature.
(b) Acting impulsively is his nature and he's trying to change.
(c) He doesn't want to hurt the widow's feelings.
(d) He needs to stay focused on his writing.

15. When the narrator meets some young women on his first day in Crete, how do the girls respond?
(a) With ridicule.
(b) With hatred.
(c) Joyfully.
(d) Fearfully.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Zorba do when he hears his boss talking to the workmen?

2. What does Zorba say that his 80 year-old grandmother wanted?

3. What or who does the narrator's long-time friend live for?

4. How does the narrator end the letter to his friend in Chapter 8?

5. How many places does Zorba set the dinner table for on their first night on Crete?

Multiple Choice Answer Key

1. B
2. D
3. C
4. B
5. A
6. C
7. B
8. A
9. C
10. C
11. A
12. D
13. C
14. A
15. D

Short Answer Key

1. What does Zorba do when he hears his boss talking to the workmen?

He throws his boss out of the mine.

2. What does Zorba say that his 80 year-old grandmother wanted?

She wanted to be serenaded.

3. What or who does the narrator's long-time friend live for?


4. How does the narrator end the letter to his friend in Chapter 8?

He tells him that he has love for him.

5. How many places does Zorba set the dinner table for on their first night on Crete?


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