Zorba the Greek Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Zorba the Greek Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 8.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Zorba and the narrator refuse Mavrandoni's offer of hospitality, what does he say about them?
(a) He says they are ungrateful.
(b) He says that he thinks they must be very hungry.
(c) He says they are free to choose.
(d) He calls Madame Hortense mean names.

2. How does Zorba live his life?
(a) He reads books that instruct him how to live.
(b) He moves about suspecting that everyone wants to hurt him.
(c) He trusts that other people will show him how to live.
(d) He lives like every day is his last.

3. How does Zorba feel about women?
(a) He feels closer to them than he does to men.
(b) He doesn't speak to them but looks constantly for a wife.
(c) He believes they are intellectually superior to men.
(d) He does not take them seriously but enjoys them physically.

4. What does the narrator mostly do while Zorba works in the mine?
(a) He romances Madame Hortense.
(b) He works on his writing.
(c) He also works in the mine.
(d) He swims in the ocean.

5. Why does Zorba say he removed the body part?
(a) It was too big.
(b) It was strangely colored.
(c) It got in the way of his pottery.
(d) It hurt constantly.

Short Answer Questions

1. In which category does Zorba think his boss strives for with his food?

2. While Zorba and the narrator are in the shop, who runs past the window?

3. What act has Zorba performed that symbolizes the connection between freedom and manliness?

4. Zorba tells the narrator stories about the island. What kind of events does he describe?

5. Which of her lovers' names does Madame Hortense's parrot repeat?

Multiple Choice Questions Key

1. C
2. D
3. D
4. B
5. C

Short Answer Questions Key

1. In which category does Zorba think his boss strives for with his food?


2. While Zorba and the narrator are in the shop, who runs past the window?

A beautiful widow.

3. What act has Zorba performed that symbolizes the connection between freedom and manliness?

He cut part of his finger off because it got in the way of his pottery.

4. Zorba tells the narrator stories about the island. What kind of events does he describe?

Wars and revolutions.

5. Which of her lovers' names does Madame Hortense's parrot repeat?


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