Yolonda's Genius Test | Final Test - Easy

Carol Fenner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Yolonda's Genius Test | Final Test - Easy

Carol Fenner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Yolanda enjoy the first concert?
(a) She thinks the musician is far less talented than Andrew.
(b) Not at all as she is concentrating on her scheme.
(c) She is enthralled.
(d) She does not even hear the first concert.

2. What does the store agree to do?
(a) Let Yolanda work off the price of the harmonica and give Andrew music lessons.
(b) Let Andrew work for music lessons.
(c) Give the harmonica to Andrew for the discount price.
(d) Let Yolanda work off the rest of the price.

3. How is Vic helping Andrew?
(a) By getting him music lessons with a well known teacher.
(b) By using music to teach Andrew to read.
(c) By taking Andrew to the museums to teach him to read.
(d) By helping Andrew learn to ride a bike.

4. When is Aunt Tiny going to visit?
(a) She had just visited before the story opens.
(b) In several months.
(c) Within days.
(d) Yolanda is not sure.

5. To whom else does Yolanda want to say goodbye?
(a) No one.
(b) Stoney.
(c) Vic.
(d) Karl.

6. What does Yolanda do for the first time in months?
(a) Cry.
(b) Turn down dessert.
(c) Relax.
(d) Play the piano.

7. Who does Yolanda think would have to be the one to discover Andrew?
(a) A professional musician.
(b) A jazz singer.
(c) Her Aunt Tiny.
(d) No one; he does not need discovered.

8. Why does Yolanda not say goodbye to Shirley?
(a) Shirley is ill with a contagious disease.
(b) Yolanda is not speaking to Shirley.
(c) Shirley is on vacation out of the state with her family.
(d) Shirley is not speaking to Yolanda.

9. Why does Yolanda steer Andrew away from his aunt and momma?
(a) To show him the performers up close.
(b) To get him to an area that is less noisy.
(c) To take him to the bathroom.
(d) To take him back stage.

10. For what does Yolanda blame Shirley?
(a) For the cake failing to rise.
(b) For the attack in the park on Andrew.
(c) For beating up the drug pushers.
(d) For making her think about jump roping when she is not allowed to do it.

11. Why does Yolanda say Shirley cannot learn to double dutch?
(a) Yolanda has taken a pledge to never reveal how to do it.
(b) Shirley's white and too short.
(c) Yolanda is ill and is no longer allowed to jump rope.
(d) Yolanda says her mother has forbidden her to jump rope anymore.

12. What does Yolanda's mother ask about Yolanda and her school?
(a) When Yolanda's grades will be mailed.
(b) If the classes are challenging enough.
(c) If she feels comfortable there.
(d) If Yolanda is happy.

13. What does Yolanda snack on during the car trip?
(a) Malt balls.
(b) Chips.
(c) Licorice.
(d) Sour balls.

14. What does Yolanda suggest she and Andrew do?
(a) Try out for the special arts school.
(b) Give a concert for her momma and Aunt Tiny.
(c) Both go to schools for geniuses.
(d) Talk to each other and decide who will go live with Aunt Tiny.

15. How does Yolanda try to make up her rudeness to Shirley?
(a) Yolanda invites her over after school.
(b) Yolanda offers her help with her vocabulary test.
(c) Yolanda offers her some of her chocolate bar.
(d) Yolanda offers her a cookie from her lunch.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Yolanda take Andrew after her encounter with Foster?

2. What does Yolanda do at Grant Park?

3. What inspires Yolanda for solving her dilemma about talking to a performer?

4. What does Yolanda manage to do?

5. How does Yolanda feel about Aunt Tiny's proposal?

(see the answer keys)

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