Yolonda's Genius Test | Final Test - Easy

Carol Fenner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Yolonda's Genius Test | Final Test - Easy

Carol Fenner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Yolanda try to make up her rudeness to Shirley?
(a) Yolanda offers her a cookie from her lunch.
(b) Yolanda offers her help with her vocabulary test.
(c) Yolanda offers her some of her chocolate bar.
(d) Yolanda invites her over after school.

2. What happens when the crowd gets loud?
(a) Yolanda realizes that Andrew could never perform in front of this group.
(b) Andrew grabs for his harmonica.
(c) Andrew wanders away from his family.
(d) Andrew wants to go home.

3. What does Yolanda tell her mother she wants to be?
(a) An English teacher.
(b) A police officer.
(c) A pilot.
(d) An airline stewardess.

4. What does Yolanda reply when Aunt Tiny asks if Shirley is a friend?
(a) Yolanda says nothing.
(b) Yolanda says Shirley is a white girl.
(c) Yolanda says she was but she was not a good friend.
(d) Yolanda says no.

5. What does Yolanda volunteer to do the day of the concert?
(a) Go to the park and reserve their seats.
(b) Help Aunt Tiny finish cleaning her shop so they can leave on time.
(c) Get Andrew ready to go.
(d) Help her mother cook breakfast so they can leave on time.

6. To whom else does Yolanda want to say goodbye?
(a) No one.
(b) Karl.
(c) Stoney.
(d) Vic.

7. What does Yolanda do for the first time in months?
(a) Relax.
(b) Cry.
(c) Play the piano.
(d) Turn down dessert.

8. What does the store agree to do?
(a) Let Yolanda work off the rest of the price.
(b) Let Yolanda work off the price of the harmonica and give Andrew music lessons.
(c) Let Andrew work for music lessons.
(d) Give the harmonica to Andrew for the discount price.

9. What does Yolanda tell Shirley?
(a) That Yolanda lied about being able to double-dutch.
(b) That being friends is a waste of time.
(c) That Shirley needs to bring two other people with her to turn the rope.
(d) That Yolanda has been told by her doctor she is not allowed to jump rope.

10. For what does Yolanda blame Shirley?
(a) For making her think about jump roping when she is not allowed to do it.
(b) For beating up the drug pushers.
(c) For the cake failing to rise.
(d) For the attack in the park on Andrew.

11. Why is Yolanda upset about what Stoney Buxton tells her?
(a) She is afraid of going to jail for assault.
(b) She knows that he means that he'll be watching for when her back is turned to attack.
(c) He is talented and attractive and she wishes he did not witness her actions.
(d) She knows the bullies will be looking for a way to retaliate.

12. What does Yolanda think might be her reward for bravery?
(a) Stoney's admiration.
(b) A lecture from her mother.
(c) A black eye.
(d) An attack when she is walking alone and unprepared.

13. What does Yolanda suggest to her mother about Andrew?
(a) That Andrew is the musician and should live with Aunt Tiny.
(b) That he would be lost without her at home.
(c) That Yolanda should be allowed to join the police cadets.
(d) That he needs a special school because he is a genius.

14. Of what is Yolanda's mother not convinced concerning Andrew?
(a) His need for music lessons.
(b) His musical genius.
(c) Not insisting upon his studying harder.
(d) His need for a different school.

15. What is Yolanda doing when Shirley comes to visit?
(a) Trying to figure out how to get Andrew some drums.
(b) Having her hair fixed.
(c) Writing an essay for her homework.
(d) Baking a cake.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why are there security guards around the stage area?

2. What does Yolanda do as the crowd gets rowdy?

3. How does Yolanda enjoy the first concert?

4. How does Yolanda feel about her current teacher?

5. What inspires Yolanda for solving her dilemma about talking to a performer?

(see the answer keys)

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