Year of Wonders Test | Final Test - Easy

Geraldine Brooks
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Year of Wonders Test | Final Test - Easy

Geraldine Brooks
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Anna save the illegitimate baby's life?
(a) She uncovers the baby, as they have tried to bury it alive.
(b) She gives the baby CPR.
(c) She fights a knife from Elizabeth Bradford's hands.
(d) She asks for money to take it where no one will know about it.

2. What do the rector and Anna see as they ride to the Gordon cottage?
(a) John Gordon whipping himself.
(b) Jane Martin and John Gordon praying.
(c) Jane Martin and Albion Samweys copulating.
(d) Jane Martin whipping John Gordon.

3. Why won't Aphra let Anna keep Faith until she recovers?
(a) She is afraid Anna has the plague and will give it to Faith.
(b) She is afraid Anna will badmouth her to her child.
(c) She is afraid Anna will kill Faith in revenge.
(d) She is afraid Faith has the plague.

4. What does Aphra run at Anna with when Anna bursts in the door?
(a) A serpent.
(b) A hot poker.
(c) A magic wand.
(d) A spider.

5. Why is Elinor looking through the Gowdies' herbs?
(a) To see if she can find things that will strengthen the healthy against the plague.
(b) She is actually looking for Anys's book of spells.
(c) She is looking for more poppy.
(d) She is burning the herbs because they are witchcraft.

6. What service does Anna's father start up?
(a) Grave digging.
(b) Herb growing.
(c) Tailoring.
(d) Witchcraft.

7. What is strange about the rector's reaction when he sees Elinor and Anna at the tavern?
(a) He begins to cry.
(b) He leans forward as if to kiss, then draws back.
(c) He opens his arms out as if to hug, then claps his hand together.
(d) He starts yelling at them for being stupid.

8. What color are Elinor and the rector wearing at the service?
(a) White.
(b) Red.
(c) Black.
(d) Brown.

9. What was the name of the boy who abandoned Elinor after convincing her to run away from home?
(a) Michael.
(b) Henry.
(c) Sam.
(d) Charles.

10. What does Anna see when she wakes up and goes outside after her substance-induced sleep?
(a) Elinor standing outside her door.
(b) Sally Maston standing in the doorway, her parents dying from the plague.
(c) A large snowfall preventing her from going to the rectory.
(d) Anys Gowdie standing in her garden.

11. Where does the rector hold his services now that the church is closed?
(a) Anna's house.
(b) The Delf.
(c) The Field.
(d) The rectory.

12. What is the name of Anna and Mompellion's child?
(a) Elinor.
(b) Aisha.
(c) Aphra.
(d) Anys.

13. Why are the simplest tasks hard for Anna in the days after going into the mine?
(a) Because she is sore and bruised from her work in the mine.
(b) Because her father beat her.
(c) Because she has the plague.
(d) Because the cold freezes her limbs.

14. Where does Anna find Elizabeth Bradford?
(a) At her house.
(b) In the graveyard.
(c) In the church.
(d) At Anna's cottage.

15. Where does Anna go to find more sleep aid?
(a) To the old mine shaft.
(b) To the Gowdies' cottage.
(c) To the village witch.
(d) To the basement of the rectory.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do Anna and the rector do that Anna is ashamed of?

2. What punishment does Aphra receive from the villagers?

3. How old is Aphra's child, Faith?

4. What does Anna take from the Hadfields to help her sleep?

5. What is the reaction of the other miners when Elinor and Anna go to the miner's tavern?

(see the answer keys)

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