Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name of the reservation where the Poncas are required to stay?
(a) Washita Reservation
(b) Quapaw Reservation
(c) Qualla Reservation
(d) Tongue River Reservation

2. What Kiowa chief eventually leads the tribe off of the reservation?
(a) Ten Bears
(b) Crazy Horse
(c) Sitting Bull
(d) Kicking Bird

3. What chief works to keep the Indians in the Black Hills at peace with the soldiers?
(a) Kicking Bird
(b) Crazy Horse
(c) Sitting Bull
(d) Red Cloud

4. The Kiowas and Comanches go to what state to kill whites?
(a) Colorado
(b) South Dakota
(c) Kansas
(d) Texas

5. Who followed Old Joseph as chief of the Nez Perces?
(a) Chief Joseph
(b) Chief Zedekiah
(c) Chief Andrew
(d) Chief Jeremiah

6. Dull Knife decides to leave the reservation to go to the reservation where what Chief now resides?
(a) Chief Joseph
(b) Crazy Horse
(c) Sitting Bull
(d) Red Cloud

7. What Indian tribe lived in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado?
(a) The Crow
(b) The Blackfoot
(c) The Utes
(d) The Comanches

8. In 1885 who joins Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show?
(a) Chief Joseph
(b) Black Hawk
(c) Geronimo
(d) Sitting Bull

9. In what year was the last peace conference held, before the battle of the Little Big Horn?
(a) 1875
(b) 1890
(c) 1870
(d) 1866

10. In 1877 the Nez Perces defeat the soldiers at what battle?
(a) The battle of White Bird Canyon
(b) The Battle of the Washita
(c) The Battle of the Rosebud
(d) The Battle of Wounded Knee

11. What is the name of the most famous Ute chief?
(a) Little Bull
(b) Chief Joseph
(c) Ouray the Arrow
(d) Lone Pine

12. Who launches a campaign to move the Utes all the way to the Indian territory?
(a) Denver
(b) Sutton
(c) Vickers
(d) Meeker

13. Of the 3,700,000 buffalo killed from 1872 to 1874 how many were killed by the Indian tribes?
(a) 150,000
(b) 1,000,000
(c) 3,000,000
(d) 2,000,000

14. In 1894 where does Geronimo go to live?
(a) Fort Snelling
(b) Levenworth Prison
(c) Fort Robinson
(d) Fort Sill

15. Where were the Utes finally placed in 1881?
(a) Idaho
(b) Nevada
(c) the Indian territory
(d) Utah

Short Answer Questions

1. Where do Santana and Big Tree go to attend peace talks?

2. What tribe abused the Modoc tribe?

3. What happens when the US soldiers confront two Kiowa chiefs, Santana and Lone Wolf?

4. Who is the founder of the Ghost Dance religion?

5. How does Geronimo avoid being caught by US soldiers?

(see the answer keys)

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