Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Some Cheyennes and Arapaho Indians move into what part of Kansas to hunt?
(a) Smoky Hill
(b) Powder River
(c) Black Hills
(d) Little Big Horn Mountain

2. What Navajo chief finally surrendered in 1866?
(a) Cochise
(b) Geronimo
(c) Red Cloud
(d) Manuelito

3. Who turns their backs on John Bent?
(a) His own sons
(b) The Cheyenne nation
(c) The US soldiers
(d) His Indian wife

4. Why do Donehogawa's critics think he should be removed from office?
(a) He is too close to General Grant
(b) He is too pro-indian
(c) He is too militaristic
(d) He was too hard on General Hancock

5. What did the chief who visited Lincoln receive as a gift?
(a) A musket
(b) A silver dollar
(c) Nothing
(d) An American flag

6. Who was chief for the Ottawa tribe?
(a) Crazy Horse
(b) Caddilac
(c) Tecumseh
(d) Pontiac

7. What famous scout gains the trust of the Navajo?
(a) Cochise
(b) Bat Masterson
(c) Kit Carson
(d) Meriweather Lewis

8. Big Mouth, Big Ribs, Eagle Foot, Whirlwind, and Little Crow are Sioux Chiefs sent to talk other chiefs into doing what?
(a) Moving on into Canada
(b) Coming to Fort Laramie
(c) Moving to the reservation
(d) Surrendering to General Connor

9. What do the white men call these 5 Sioux chiefs?
(a) The Outlaws of Cheyenne
(b) The Sand Creek survivors
(c) The Laramie Loafers
(d) The Friends of Lincoln

10. When Cochise falls deathly ill, who tries to save him?
(a) A US Army Surgeon
(b) A Doctor from Reno, Nevada
(c) An Apache medicine man
(d) A Mormon missionary

11. How does Little Crow die?
(a) He is killed while looking for food
(b) He is taken to Washington and killled by a firing squad
(c) He is hanged for his war crimes
(d) He is starved to death

12. Donehogawa's "Christian name"?
(a) John Michael Smith
(b) Brigham Young
(c) William Tecumseh Sherman
(d) Ely Samuel Parker

13. What name did the Arapaho give to the attack of Connor's men on the Arapaho village that resulted in the slaughter of 50 Indians?
(a) The Battle of the Washita
(b) The Battle of the Powder River and the Little Big Horn Mountain
(c) Battle of Tongue River that happened in the Moon when Geese shed their Feathers
(d) The Massacre at Sand Creek

14. What was the name by which many Indian tribes called Andrew Jackson?
(a) Long Hair
(b) Old Hickory
(c) Sharp Knife
(d) Gray Ghost

15. Where are most of the warring Sioux at this time?
(a) Along the Colorado river
(b) Along the Mississippi river
(c) Along the Powder river
(d) Along the Arkansas river

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of a new road through Red Cloud's country?

2. What fort do the Navajos attack in retaliation for troops destroying crops?

3. What white man tries to help the Cheyennes end their conflict with the soldiers?

4. Cochise finally reaches an agreement with what US General?

5. The Wdewkantons, the Wahpetons, the Wahpekutes, and the Sissetons make up what Indian nation?

(see the answer keys)

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