Wolf by the Ears Test | Final Test - Hard

Ann Rinaldi
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Wolf by the Ears Test | Final Test - Hard

Ann Rinaldi
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is Jefferson a little offended when he learns of Harriet's engagement?

2. What is Madison's opinion about Sally's children leaving Monticello and not seeing each other?

3. What is the name of the inn Harriet will travel to?

4. Why does Mammy Ursula say Washington City will be a good place for Harriet?

5. What does Jefferson give Harriet as a gift before she leaves?

Short Essay Questions

1. What do Harriet and her siblings hope Sally will admit before Harriet leaves, but Sally never does?

2. What is Jefferson's personal conflict regarding his attitude toward Sally and her children?

3. In The Middle of August 1822, what reason does Sally finally tell her children is the reason she left France and returned to Monticello?

4. What reason does Harriet give Martha for her decision to pass as white?

5. What characteristic of Harriet's makes Thruston proud of her?

6. What about Sally's attitude toward Beverly's decision on the subject of his freedom bothers Harriet?

7. What does Beverly tell Harriet to prove to her that Jefferson will never acknowledge that they are his children?

8. Why doesn't Martha like Madison?

9. What does Harriet finally realize when she considers that the other slave girls have only getting married and having babies in their futures?

10. Why is it so important to Harriet that Mammy Ursula and Thruston approve of her decision to leave the plantation and pass as white?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Although Jefferson is an actual historical figure, the author undoubtedly takes some license in the portrayal of his character and the relationship between Jefferson, Sally, and Harriet. Discuss the way in which Jefferson's character and his interactions with Sally and Harriet are portrayed. What parts of these interactions are likely literary fabrications? Are there certain elements we know to be true? What are these elements?

Essay Topic 2

Slavery is painted in a fairly rosy light in Wolf by the Ears. Yet, we know that this was not the norm. Why do you think the author glosses over the grittier aspects of slavery? What purpose does this serve in terms of the novel? If slaves had been treated poorly at Monticello, how might Harriet's journey toward freedom have been different?

Essay Topic 3

Sally is a very complex character. She is at once a slave and a lover, a mother and a woman who pushes her children away. She has definite reasons for all of the things she does, yet she doesn't overtly express her reasons. What impact do her contrasting roles have on Harriet's life? What effect does her inability to express her feelings and reasons to her children have on them?

(see the answer keys)

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