Wit Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Wit Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How is Vivian's medication administered?
(a) With a syringe.
(b) With a pump.
(c) In a drip.
(d) Using her IV.

2. What does Susie call Vivian when she comes into her room to take care of the alarm?
(a) Hon.
(b) Sweetheart.
(c) Darlin'.
(d) Sugar.

3. What is the date of the sonnet Vivian recites when she imagines she is teaching?
(a) 1611.
(b) 1609.
(c) 1603.
(d) 1604.

4. What level of fluids does Jason tell Vivian to push for each day?
(a) 300.
(b) 2,000.
(c) 200.
(d) 100.

5. Which of the Holy Sonnets does Vivian recite when she imagines she is teaching?
(a) Sonnet Six.
(b) Sonnet Five.
(c) Sonnet Three.
(d) Sonnet Fifteen.

6. What question does Vivian ask Jason when he visits her room in Scene 11?
(a) What hospital he wants to pursue his research.
(b) Why he chose cancer research.
(c) Why he took her poetry class.
(d) Why he does not like patients.

7. How does Vivian get Susie to come into her room?
(a) She presses the call button.
(b) She moans in pain.
(c) She pinches her IV tubing.
(d) She coughs.

8. What does Jason say Donne makes Shakespeare sound like?
(a) The alphabet.
(b) Dr. Seuss.
(c) A children's song.
(d) A Hallmark card.

9. How many cycles of treatment has Vivian endured after her ultrasound?
(a) Eleven.
(b) Six.
(c) Five.
(d) Eight.

10. What does Vivian say she is supposed to think is a relief?
(a) Being finished with her treatment.
(b) Sleep.
(c) Being able to drink juice.
(d) Getting back to her room after the tests.

11. What is the last thing Vivian says to the audience?
(a) “I want to go home.”
(b) “I'm sorry.”
(c) “Good night.”
(d) “I'm just so tired.”

12. What does a technician hand Vivian when she imagines she is giving a lecture?
(a) Her glasses.
(b) A pointer.
(c) A book.
(d) A sheaf of papers.

13. What does Vivian say is the trouble when she breaks down in tears?
(a) She is angry.
(b) She is scared.
(c) She does not understand why she got cancer.
(d) She wants to go home.

14. How does Jason describe Vivian's seventeenth-century poetry course?
(a) Like boot camp.
(b) Like learning a language without a dictionary.
(c) Like showing up to class in your underwear.
(d) Like his first patient.

15. What does Vivian overhear two students mocking after a class?
(a) Her pronunciation.
(b) Her use of a pointer.
(c) Her clothing.
(d) Her accent.

Short Answer Questions

1. What poem does Vivian quote in her final coherent lines of the play?

2. Who interrupts Vivian's lecture when she imagines she is teaching?

3. What does “it” signify when Vivian explains the need for aggressive pain management?

4. How does Vivian react when Susie tells her the effect the medication will have on her?

5. What reason does Vivian give for her explanation?

(see the answer keys)

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