Wit Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Wit Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does one student say Donne is hiding behind in his sonnets?
(a) Wit.
(b) God.
(c) Sin.
(d) Vernacular.

2. What time of day was it when Vivian got Susie to come in her room at the opening of Scene 13?
(a) Sometime before breakfast.
(b) Around lunchtime.
(c) Late at night.
(d) The time of day is not given.

3. What does Jason come in to Vivian's room to check at the beginning of Scene 11?
(a) Her vitals.
(b) Her breathing.
(c) Her medication.
(d) Her I&O chart.

4. What does Jason check when he and Susie enter Vivian's room to insert a catheter?
(a) Her vitals.
(b) Her hands.
(c) Her pupils.
(d) Her I&O chart.

5. How does Vivian get Susie to come into her room?
(a) She coughs.
(b) She presses the call button.
(c) She moans in pain.
(d) She pinches her IV tubing.

6. Why does Jason say Vivian is not given patient-controlled medication?
(a) She is too weak to be able to push the button for the medication.
(b) She does not want control over her medication dosing.
(c) She has earned a rest.
(d) She will not know when she has had enough.

7. What does Vivian compare herself to when she says she wants to explain but is unable?
(a) A toddler.
(b) A bird.
(c) A student.
(d) A Donne sonnet.

8. What does Susie want to discuss with Vivian?
(a) Whether or not she will continue with the next treatment cycle.
(b) Her wishes about medical interventions.
(c) Her preferences for transitional care.
(d) Who she would like to have claim her body.

9. Why does Jason want Susie to increase Vivian's hydration?
(a) To keep her kidneys from fading.
(b) To ensure Vivian will get through her next treatment cycle.
(c) To keep her conscious.
(d) To combat the effects of her chemotherapy.

10. How does Vivian respond when the student asks her for a favor?
(a) She laughs.
(b) She declines the student’s request.
(c) She refuses to answer the question.
(d) She grants the favor.

11. What does Jason have to survive in order to begin his research?
(a) His fourth year of classes.
(b) A year of working in his father's clinic.
(c) His fellowship.
(d) His final exam.

12. What does Susie offer to get for Vivian to comfort her?
(a) A dish of ice cream.
(b) A cup of pudding.
(c) A Popsicle.
(d) Some juice.

13. What level of fluids does Jason tell Vivian to push for each day?
(a) 300.
(b) 2,000.
(c) 200.
(d) 100.

14. What does Vivian overhear two students mocking after a class?
(a) Her use of a pointer.
(b) Her clothing.
(c) Her accent.
(d) Her pronunciation.

15. What does a student ask Vivian for after a class?
(a) The definition of a word.
(b) Her mentorship.
(c) An explanation of a particular line.
(d) An extension on a deadline.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Vivian's initial morphine dosage?

2. How does Vivian react when Susie tells her the effect the medication will have on her?

3. What does Susie rub on Vivian's hands?

4. How does Vivian react when she is told about what Susie and Jason are doing?

5. How does Jason describe John Donne?

(see the answer keys)

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