Wise Blood Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Wise Blood Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How long has Enoch Emery been living in Taulkinham?
(a) 2 months
(b) 6 months
(c) His whole life
(d) 1 year

2. What town was Hazel Motes born and raised in?
(a) Eastrod, Mississippi
(b) Eastrod, Tennessee
(c) Taulkinham, Alabama
(d) Taulkinham, Tennessee

3. What does Haze tell the car lot owner he plans on doing with his new car?
(a) Haze plans on living in the car
(b) Haze plans on fixing up the car so it will be worth more money
(c) Haze plans on selling the car for a profit
(d) Haze plans on giving the car to Enoch

4. Why does the car lot owner insist that Haze take the Essex on a test drive?
(a) So he knows what does and doesn't work on the car before buying it
(b) So he can see how well it handles on the highway
(c) So he can negotiate a higher price for the vehicle
(d) So he realizes what a great deal he is getting on the car

5. Which of Haze's physical features draws the Hawks girl to him?
(a) His eyes
(b) His lips
(c) His height
(d) His clothing

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Haze do to punish himself for looking at the naked woman in the carnival tent?

2. Who does Hazel mistaken the train porter for?

3. What does the letter Haze writes to Hawks' daughter say?

4. How old does Sabbath Lily tell Haze she is?

5. What two things did Hazel take with him when he went into the army?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe Enoch's daily routine at the city park

2. What does Haze plan to do after killing the True Prophet?

3. Describe the wash stand in Enoch's room

4. What is wrong with Slade's son? Why does his problem bother Haze?

5. What does the article "Evangelist Promises to Blind Himself" say about Hawks?

6. Why does Enoch believe he has "wise blood"?

7. What is Onnie Jay Holy's background?

8. What is the source of conflict between Hazel Motes and the train porter?

9. Why is the taxi cab driver surprised when Haze tells her he wants to go to Mrs. Watts' home?

10. Describe the blind preacher's methods for gathering followers

(see the answer keys)

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