Wise Blood Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Wise Blood Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is noteworthy about the taxi driver's appearance?
(a) He has a scar across his cheek
(b) He is chewing on a cigar
(c) He keeps squinting to see Hazel
(d) He is a small man

2. Whose coffin was the first Hazel had ever seen?
(a) His grandfather's
(b) His father's
(c) His mother's
(d) His brother's

3. Why does Hazel visit Mrs. Watts?
(a) To have sex with her
(b) To rent a room
(c) To see if she knows the local preacher
(d) To have sex with one of the women in her brothel

4. Why doesn't Enoch give Haze the address he promised to him?
(a) He wants to take him there himself
(b) He is angry with Haze
(c) He cannot remember it
(d) He lied about knowing the address

5. What town was Hazel Motes born and raised in?
(a) Taulkinham, Tennessee
(b) Eastrod, Tennessee
(c) Taulkinham, Alabama
(d) Eastrod, Mississippi

Short Answer Questions

1. What turned Emery off from religion?

2. Which of the following is NOT found on the walls of the men's restroom Hazel visits at the train station?

3. Why does Haze stop suddenly in the middle of the road?

4. Which of the following is NOT a feature of the car Haze wants to buy?

5. Where does Haze go after he finished preaching outside of the movie theaters?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe the religious message Haze preaches outside of the library

2. How does Enoch get the Gonga costume?

3. What does Sabbath Lily do with the package Enoch leaves for Haze?

4. What does Haze dream about as he is sleeping in his berth on the train?

5. How are Haze and Sabbath Lily different in her opinion?

6. Why does Enoch approach the couple on the rock with his hand outstretched?

7. What does Haze plan to do after killing the True Prophet?

8. Describe Enoch's favorite picture in his room

9. What is Haze's motivation for wanting to go to Taulkinham?

10. Describe the process of Haze "discovering" he has no soul

(see the answer keys)

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