Wise Blood Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Wise Blood Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is noteworthy about Hazel's appearance when he is at the Taulkinham train station?
(a) He looks as if he lives in the town
(b) He looks bewildered and out of place
(c) He looks like a preacher
(d) He changes from his army clothes into a suit

2. What does the serviceman from the gas station do to help Haze's car start?
(a) He tows it to his shop
(b) He puts new spark plugs in it
(c) He adds oil to it
(d) He puts gas in it

3. Which of the following does NOT happen to Haze when he is serving time in the army?
(a) His resolve to become a preacher is strengthened
(b) He gives up reading the Bible
(c) He loses his religious faith
(d) He becomes wounded by shrapnel

4. What information does Haze hope to get from Enoch Emery?
(a) Mrs. Watts' address
(b) The Hawks' address
(c) The location of a good car dealership
(d) The location of the

5. What does Haze tell the car lot owner he plans on doing with his new car?
(a) Haze plans on selling the car for a profit
(b) Haze plans on giving the car to Enoch
(c) Haze plans on living in the car
(d) Haze plans on fixing up the car so it will be worth more money

6. What is Mrs. Watts doing when Hazel arrives at her house?
(a) Reading a magazine
(b) Entertaining another man
(c) Applying cream to her face
(d) Cutting her toenails

7. What is wrong with Haze's car when he returns to it?
(a) It will not start
(b) The tires are flat.
(c) The keys are missing
(d) Someone has stolen it

8. Which of the following is NOT found on the walls of the men's restroom Hazel visits at the train station?
(a) Posters
(b) Drawings of women
(c) Handwriting
(d) Drawings of men

9. Who does Hazel mistaken the train porter for?
(a) A man named Hitchcock
(b) His dead brother
(c) A man named Parrum
(d) His former squad-mate in the army

10. How long does Haze have to wait for the next train to Taulkenham?
(a) 1 hour
(b) 3 hours
(c) 1 day
(d) 6 hours

11. What is the secret that Enoch shares with Haze?
(a) A weapon in the museum
(b) A shrunken man in a coffin
(c) His confession that he once killed a man
(d) The Hawks' address

12. What does Hazel discover when he arrives home after being released from the army?
(a) His family home is deserted
(b) He no longer wants to be a preacher
(c) He has been a sinner all along
(d) His family was killed during the war

13. Who interrupts Haze and Enoch as they are visiting the park museum?
(a) A woman and her two children
(b) The security guard
(c) A woman and her son
(d) Asa Hawks and his daughter

14. What does the letter Haze writes to Hawks' daughter say?
(a) He thinks she is the most homely looking girl he has ever seen
(b) He thinks she is the most beautiful girl he has ever seen
(c) He wants to seduce her to upset her father
(d) He wants to marry her

15. What does the car low owner's son mutter as Haze shops for a car?
(a) Religious curses
(b) Criticism of his father
(c) Rude comments about Haze
(d) Biblical scripture

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the following is NOT a statement written on the boulder on the side of the road?

2. What does Hazel copy off of the wall of a men's room?

3. Whose coffin was the first Hazel had ever seen?

4. Why does the taxi driver think that Hazel wants to visit Mrs. Watts' house?

5. To what does Hazel liken his sleeping berth on the train?

(see the answer keys)

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