Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Reni Eddo-Lodge
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Reni Eddo-Lodge
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Eddo-Lodge define "people of color" in this book?
(a) Only Black people.
(b) Black people, Native Americans, and Asians.
(c) Anyone of any race that is not white.
(d) Only Native Americans.

2. What prompted the Brixton riots in 1981?
(a) The police shooting of Douglas Rabar.
(b) The police beating of an unarmed Black man.
(c) The police force's Operation Swamp.
(d) The police beating of a young Black woman.

3. When did Britain vote to leave the European Union?
(a) 2018.
(b) 2014.
(c) 2010.
(d) 2016.

4. According to Eddo-Lodge, what does racism bring with it along with a disempowerment for those affected by it?
(a) Negative economic repercussions and a lowered life expectancy for those who are not affected by it.
(b) Guilt for those who are not affected by it.
(c) A loss of opportunity for those who are not affected by it.
(d) An empowerment for those who are not affected by it.

5. Who is one white person Eddo-Lodge identifies as thinking about race as much as Eddo-Lodge herself does?
(a) Roberta Huffington.
(b) Arianna Randall.
(c) Jennifer Krase.
(d) Caitlin Marks.

6. Which law drastically restricted immigration rights for Britain's Commonwealth citizens in 1962?
(a) The Windrush Generation Act.
(b) The Commonwealth Immigrants Act.
(c) The Lord Haw-Haw Act.
(d) The Griffin Act.

7. What were the group of young white men in the late 1950s who wore creeper shoes and shirts and who set upon the streets to assault Black people called?
(a) Redneck boys.
(b) Teddy boys.
(c) Good old boys.
(d) Flagrant boys.

8. When did Eddo-Lodge begin to think about Black British history?
(a) When she was about 10 years old.
(b) After her college graduation.
(c) When she was about 15 years old.
(d) Her second year of university.

9. When did Britain begin trading in African slaves?
(a) 1590.
(b) 1562.
(c) 1607.
(d) 1783.

10. Who wrote that "Safe spaces is a direct corollary of the rise of identity politics" in the Guardian?
(a) Ian Dunt.
(b) Katie Brooks.
(c) Charles Lorley.
(d) Lord Quigley Hawley.

11. What year was the decision from the inquest on Stephen Lawrence's death announced?
(a) 1999.
(b) 2000.
(c) 2003.
(d) 1997.

12. What legal requirement in the U.K. adoption process did David Cameron remove in 2012?
(a) For adoptions to only be allowed to married, heterosexual couples.
(b) For adoptions to only be allowed to parents living in major U.K. cities.
(c) For prospective parents to have a certain income threshold.
(d) For local authorities to consider a child's racial, cultural and linguistic background during the adoption process.

13. Which Black MP's comments touched off a Twitter firestorm of criticism and comments in 2012?
(a) Diane Abbott.
(b) Jamila Priya.
(c) Reni Lorton.
(d) Marcia Blackhall.

14. When was the Abolition of Slavery Act introduced in the British Empire?
(a) 1850.
(b) 1898.
(c) 1833.
(d) 1910.

15. Which Metropolitan Police Commissioner did Stephen Lawrence's family demand the resignation of in 1998?
(a) Maria Rindell.
(b) Catherine Baynard.
(c) Sir Richard Wright.
(d) Sir Paul Condon.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Eddo-Lodge write in the Preface that she spends most of her time doing now, despite her blog post in 2014 stating she would do the opposite?

2. What was Britain's first race-relations act, The Race Relations Act, passed?

3. What organization did Rachel Fleming found in 1927?

4. What city in Wales was the site of race riots on June 6, 1919?

5. What term did Muriel Fletcher's 1930 report cement the use of?

(see the answer keys)

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