While I Was Gone Test | Final Test - Medium

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While I Was Gone Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Jo and Daniel both recall holiday disasters due to ____________________.
(a) Travel schedules.
(b) Inclement weather.
(c) Burned food.
(d) Rivalry between their daughters.

2. What is Daniel reminded of as Jo recounts the events at the police station?
(a) Jo's interest in having an affair with Eli.
(b) His daughters' disbelief in their mother's story.
(c) Jo's stories about her first husband.
(d) A young man he is counseling at church.

3. In Chapter 11, where does Jo meet someone?
(a) The Russian Tea Room.
(b) The Ritz Hotel.
(c) The Four Seasons.
(d) Tavern on the Green.

4. Where does Jo go after leaving the police station?
(a) She visits Dana's grave.
(b) She goes to Starbucks.
(c) She drives by the group house.
(d) She goes to a mall.

5. Why did Eli attack Dana with the knife?
(a) She said she did not love him.
(b) She was not taking their meeting seriously.
(c) She told him she was engaged.
(d) She was seeing someone else.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do Jo and Daniel do on Christmas Day?

2. Why did Eli decide to move into the group house?

3. Where do Jo and Daniel go to hear Cass and her band perform?

4. Eli has told the police that Jo squealed on him because ______________________.

5. Why does Eli say he has confided in Jo?

Short Essay Questions

1. What type of party does Jo want to have, and whom does she make a special point to call and invite?

2. How does Jo indicate with her actions what she hopes will come from reconnecting with Eli?

3. How does the police detective respond when Jo tells him of Eli's murder confession?

4. Describe the pleasant evening Eli and Jean spend at Jo and Daniel's holiday party.

5. How does Jo indicate by her actions in Boston what her intentions with Eli are?

6. Why is Jo almost pleased that Daniel threw the tomato at the wall next to her?

7. How has Eli rationalized his guilt over killing Dana?

8. Are Jo's concerns for Cass' welfare particularly painful because Jo lived a similar lifestyle in her youth?

9. What does Jo notice about Cass' physical appearance, and why is she concerned?

10. How does Jo's reporting Eli's murder impact Sadie's life in a way Jo never considered?

(see the answer keys)

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