While I Was Gone Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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While I Was Gone Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Jo buy on her lunch break?
(a) Party supplies.
(b) Gasoline.
(c) Groceries.
(d) Candy.

2. Why does Jo caution against Eli staying in the room while she takes care of the dog?
(a) She won't work with an audience.
(b) Some people find it traumatic.
(c) It is hard for her to concentrate.
(d) It is a bloody procedure.

3. What is one of the things that the interviewer tells Licia she can expect to see in the group house?
(a) Parties.
(b) Nudity.
(c) Recreational drug use.
(d) Group sex.

4. What pet did Jo have while growing up?
(a) Rabbit.
(b) Horse.
(c) Dog.
(d) None.

5. Who cleans the murder scene at the house?
(a) Licia.
(b) Larry.
(c) Duncan.
(d) Sara.

6. Whom do the police first question about Dana's murder?
(a) Licia.
(b) Louis.
(c) Eli.
(d) Sara.

7. Eli's sad look in her office reminds Jo of ____________________.
(a) A cartoon character.
(b) When she said goodbye to him after Dana died.
(c) A sad picture she saw in a magazine.
(d) A boy she used to date in high school.

8. Jo and Daniel meet for dinner in which city?
(a) Boston.
(b) Portland.
(c) Philadelphia.
(d) New York.

9. Why does Jo go to the attic when she gets home in the evening?
(a) To get the Christmas decorations.
(b) To find some old magazines.
(c) To look for winter clothes.
(d) To find a box of photos.

10. Why did Licia give money to Duncan one day?
(a) To repair his car.
(b) To pay his tuition.
(c) To buy groceries.
(d) To buy drugs.

11. What decision does Eli make about his dog?
(a) Go ahead with the surgery.
(b) Try the antibiotics.
(c) Let him die naturally.
(d) Have him euthanized.

12. What concerns does Eli have regarding keeping the dog alive?
(a) He asks how much time the dog has to live.
(b) He wonders if the dog is in much pain.
(c) He spends so much time at work.
(d) He wonders if there is a surgery that could help the dog.

13. What did Dana witness Licia say to a man in a bar to stop him from flirting with her?
(a) She was gay.
(b) She had five kids.
(c) She was in a relationship.
(d) She was married.

14. Which of the following is NOT information the police consider to be suspicious?
(a) Dana used to be a hooker.
(b) Drugs were found in Dana's room.
(c) Licia is an alias.
(d) Larry has an arrest record.

15. At dinner, Jo feels odd because of ____________________.
(a) Heartburn.
(b) Premonitions.
(c) Food poisoning.
(d) Alcohol.

Short Answer Questions

1. Licia, Larry, and Sara stay at Larry's parents' home in ______________ for the night.

2. When did Jo know that she wanted to be a veterinarian?

3. When Licia called her mother on Christmas, her mother told her that she did not want to hear from Licia until Licia returned home or _____________________.

4. What does Jo determine about Eli's attachment to his dog?

5. Who is at Jo's office when a dog is brought there?

(see the answer keys)

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