Where the Red Fern Grows Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Where the Red Fern Grows Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Whose bragging helps build Billy's reputation as a hunter?
(a) His own.
(b) His grandfather's.
(c) His mother's.
(d) His father's.

2. What problem do the dogs face when the raccoon leads them to the river in Chapter 11?
(a) The water is too cold to swim in.
(b) The river is frozen.
(c) The ice on the river is slippery.
(d) They lose the scent of the coon.

3. Who lays next to Old Dan's dead body before it is buried?
(a) Billy's sisters.
(b) Billy and Little Ann.
(c) Billy.
(d) Little Ann.

4. What event causes Little Ann to become sickly and weak?
(a) Billy's illness.
(b) The mountain lion's attack.
(c) Old Dan's death.
(d) The end of hunting season.

5. Why does Billy decide not to kill the "ghost coon"?
(a) He wants to allow the dogs to kill it.
(b) His grandfather tells him not to kill it.
(c) When the raccoon cries, Billy is sympathetic to its feelings.
(d) He believes killing animals is immoral.

6. What event at the beginning of Chapter 11 prevents Billy from hunting?
(a) Injuries to his dogs.
(b) The end of the hunting season.
(c) A snow blizzard.
(d) The flu.

7. What does Billy's grandfather tell the boy he must bring with him to the hunting contest?
(a) Only himself.
(b) All of the supplies he will need to hunt.
(c) Only his dogs.
(d) His dogs and hunting ax.

8. Why do the Pritchard boys refuse to give Billy his money back?
(a) They are cowards.
(b) They believe that the dogs must kill the raccoon in order for the bet to be won.
(c) They say he owed them the money.
(d) They are unfair.

9. How does the group find Old Dan in Chapter 17?
(a) Little Ann leads them to him.
(b) They follow the coon.
(c) They hear him baying.
(d) They call to him.

10. What challenge emerges at the beginning of Chapter 17?
(a) It begins sleeting.
(b) Another hunter catches a raccoon.
(c) It grows dark.
(d) The jackpot for the contest rises.

11. What does Papa believe would have prevented Billy from moving with the family at the end of the book?
(a) A desire to stay near the dogs' graves.
(b) Hunting with the dogs.
(c) A desire to stay near the river.
(d) His grief over the dogs' deaths.

12. Who becomes separated from the group during the storm?
(a) Billy.
(b) Papa.
(c) The judge.
(d) Grandpa.

13. Where does the "ghost coon" ultimately head for at the end of Chapter 12?
(a) The tallest tree in the forest.
(b) The ghost tree.
(c) Billy's home.
(d) An old field.

14. Where does Little Ann find the "ghost coon" after Billy believes the bet is over?
(a) In a hollowed out gatepost.
(b) In a hollowed out tree.
(c) In the ghost tree.
(d) Down near the river.

15. How is Rubin Pritchard killed?
(a) His brother hits him with the ax.
(b) He trips on branch and falls on his ax.
(c) Billy's dogs attack him.
(d) Billy hits him with the ax when he tries to attack his dogs.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Billy do to help himself see the dogs in the fog in Chapter 11?

2. What does Billy find when he visits to the dogs' graves before leaving home?

3. Where does Little Ann die?

4. When did Billy return to the Ozarks to visit the dogs' graves?

5. Why do the dogs pounce on a large scary animal in Chapter 18 that Old Dan had treed?

(see the answer keys)

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