Weep Not, Child Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Weep Not, Child Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Of Mr. Howlands, the narrator says in Chapter 10, "To submit to his wife was to listen to the voice of" what (77)?
(a) "Insolence."
(b) "God."
(c) "Propriety."
(d) "England."

2. According to the narrator in describing the night of Mr. Howland's death, it is stated that "He had discovered that" who "could be a good relief" (128)?
(a) "White women."
(b) "Black men."
(c) "Black women."
(d) "White men."

3. What was Mr. Howlands drinking on the night that he died?
(a) Beer.
(b) Wine.
(c) Tea.
(d) Scotch.

4. On what day of the week does Njoroge set out to kill himself in Chapter 18?
(a) Saturday.
(b) Sunday.
(c) Friday.
(d) Monday.

5. What aspect of Boro's character makes him a good leader for the Freedom Fighters, according to the narrator in Chapter 12?
(a) That he has a steady demeanor and strong determination.
(b) That he does not care what happens to him personally.
(c) That he is driven by his love of God and his people.
(d) That he is a shrewd and effective military strategist.

6. The High School for Europeans is located a few miles from where, according to the narrator in Chapter 12?
(a) Kipanga.
(b) Siriana.
(c) Ndeiya.
(d) Nyeri.

7. Who walks with Njoroge to the Christian gathering in Chapter 12?
(a) Mucatha.
(b) Kiarie.
(c) Thingira.
(d) Kori.

8. Who dom the officers ask Njoroge if he knows in Chapter 15?
(a) Mwangi.
(b) Kiarie.
(c) Boro.
(d) Memsahib.

9. Before Njoroge started school, he was lent to his distant uncle to help him in doing what?
(a) Looking after cattle.
(b) Picking strawberries.
(c) Maintaining his shop.
(d) Picking pyrithrem.

10. Where does the narrator say Boro and Kori keep their beds in Chapter 10?
(a) In Ngotho's hut.
(b) In Njeri's hut.
(c) In Nyosabi's hut.
(d) In Njoroge's hut.

11. Where were the bodies of the barber and others discovered dead after they were taken from their homes three nights ago in Chapter 11?
(a) Inside the school.
(b) In the forest.
(c) On the main street.
(d) On the temple steps.

12. In her letter to Njoroge in Chapter 14, Mwihaki tells him that in their home village, there is not so much a fear of death as a fear of what (112)?
(a) Battle.
(b) Torture.
(c) Genocide.
(d) Living.

13. Where does Jacobo say he found the threatening note he shows Mr. Howlands in Chapter 12?
(a) On the school doors.
(b) At Mr. Howlands' door.
(c) On his doorstep.
(d) On the church door.

14. What is described in Chapter 12 as "the only thing that could now give [Boro] fire and boldness" (102)?
(a) Family.
(b) Land.
(c) Revenge.
(d) Justice.

15. What does Mwihaki say firmly to Njoroge as they part in Chapter 13 (106)?
(a) "Do not forget me."
(b) "I will wait for you."
(c) "You will do well."
(d) "You are my brother."

Short Answer Questions

1. To whom does Ngotho tell Boro to turn his eyes as he dies in Chapter 16?

2. How many players are there on the football team for Siriana?

3. The threatening note presented by Jacobo in Chapter 12 says, "STOP YOUR MURDEROUS ACTIVITIES. OR ELSE WE SHALL COME FOR" what (98)?

4. In what term at school is Njoroge when Chapter 15 begins?

5. Who are facing murder charges for the death of Mr. Howlands?

(see the answer keys)

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