Watchers Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Watchers Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What kind of man, according to Aunt Violet didn't exist anywhere in the world?
(a) A kind and selfless one
(b) A sweet and kind one
(c) A protective and sensitive one
(d) A sweet and romantic one

2. What did the Outsider ask Lem to do?
(a) Kill Yarbeck
(b) Break him out of there
(c) Kill him
(d) Tear out [his] eyes

3. What aroma was NOT mentioned as having filled the house on Christmas Day?
(a) Yams
(b) Turkey
(c) Stuffing
(d) Baked corn

4. What did Travis take more comfort in sleeping beside?
(a) Nora
(b) None of these
(c) Einstein
(d) The gun

5. What did Nora do throughout the rest of June?
(a) Cook and clean for Travis
(b) Teach Einstein to beg
(c) Make Travis love her
(d) Teach Einstein to read

6. What was in the glove box that gave Nora hope?
(a) A cell phone
(b) A knife
(c) A gun
(d) Pepper spray

7. Who was the only other person Vince had told about his 'gift?'
(a) Darrel
(b) Danny
(c) Jeremy
(d) Denny

8. Where is Einstein tattooed?
(a) On his lip
(b) Beneath the tail
(c) The belly
(d) The ear

9. What does the expression, "sound as a dollar" mean?
(a) Cheap and useless
(b) Worthless and inexpensive
(c) You ring
(d) Healthy and reliable

10. How many Scrabble games were in the Lucite tubes?
(a) Six
(b) Three
(c) Four
(d) Five

11. What is the name of Nora's doctor?
(a) Dr. Weingold
(b) Dr. Weinstein
(c) Dr. Goldstein
(d) Dr. Goldwein

12. On what day do Nora and Travis buy their Christmas tree?
(a) December 20
(b) December 21
(c) December 22
(d) December 23

13. What four words linger with Travis the most?
(a) Very sick, brain damage
(b) It's all your fault
(c) Brain damage, in time
(d) In time, very sick

14. What did Einstein perceive as coming towards them?
(a) A big uneasiness
(b) The Outsider
(c) A big darkness
(d) A storm

15. What does Einstein want for Christmas?
(a) Chew toys
(b) Mickey Mouse videos
(c) A Mickey Mouse doll
(d) Mickey Mouse comics

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Garrison Dilworth meet up with?

2. Why does the Outsider smash mirrors?

3. What did Einstein have that made him sick?

4. Why does Einstein say he needs grass?

5. What was the base animal in Yarbeck's studies?

(see the answer keys)

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