War Comes to Willy Freeman Test | Final Test - Medium

James Collier
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

War Comes to Willy Freeman Test | Final Test - Medium

James Collier
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Horace say Willy needs to improve?
(a) Her stamina.
(b) Her accent.
(c) Her ability to lie convincingly.
(d) Her riding abilities.

2. What are being used to house prisoners?
(a) Churches and sugar houses.
(b) Homes of people loyal to England.
(c) Warehouses at the wharf.
(d) The insane asylums.

3. What does Uncle Jack say when he sees Willy?
(a) Willy's mother has been there for several months.
(b) She is in danger.
(c) She is safe as Captain Ivers is dead.
(d) Mrs. Ledyard verified Willy's freedom.

4. Why is Horace uncomfortable?
(a) He just realized Willy is a girl.
(b) His mother admonishes him about bringing strangers home.
(c) The cook teases him about a girl down the street.
(d) He is unsure how Mr. Fraunces will react to Willy.

5. How does Willy get some medicine for Lucy?
(a) From another slave who had been ill.
(b) She is unable to get any medicine.
(c) By begging a doctor.
(d) By gathering herbs in the woods.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is happening to the prisoners?

2. What does Willy say about her mother?

3. What does Willy try to do at first when speaking to Mr. Fraunces?

4. In what month is there word that the British have officially lost the war?

5. What does Willy notice about the Queen's Head?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Horace suggest Willy get into New York City?

2. How does Mr. Fraunces respond to what Willy tells him?

3. What does Willy's Uncle Jack say when Willy finds him in the barn?

4. Why does Mr. Fraunces send Willy to the dock in April?

5. What does Willy continue to do in Chapter 11?

6. What happens that makes Horace uncomfortable when he takes Willy to the kitchen of the Queen's Head for a meal?

7. What happens that makes Willy hang up a horse blanket in her part of the loft where she sleeps?

8. Why does Willy decide to stay dressed in britches?

9. What is happening about peace talks starting in April of 1782?

10. How do the British treat the American prisoners who are disembarking from the prison ships?

(see the answer keys)

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