War Comes to Willy Freeman Test | Final Test - Easy

James Collier
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

War Comes to Willy Freeman Test | Final Test - Easy

James Collier
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Willy decide to pretend?
(a) Her father is still alive.
(b) She is a boy.
(c) She can return home whenever she wants.
(d) Her family lives in the city.

2. What does Willy learn from the woman she first encounters in Canvas Town?
(a) Her mother has married a British soldier.
(b) Willy's mother had been there but was traveling home.
(c) Her mother works in the rich section of New York.
(d) The woman knows Willy's mother.

3. Where does Willy think Mr. Fraunces' loyalties might lie?
(a) With the British.
(b) She has no idea.
(c) With the Americans.
(d) With slave owners such as Captain Ivers.

4. Why does Mr. Fraunces send Willy to the docks?
(a) To draw a picture of the surrender of the British.
(b) To look for her mother.
(c) To find a British officer who is a friend of Mr. Fraunces.
(d) To buy fish.

5. What does Willy notice about the Queen's Head?
(a) It is well kept.
(b) It has multiple chimneys.
(c) It is dirty and dark.
(d) It is built of stone.

6. What does Willy try to do at first when speaking to Mr. Fraunces?
(a) Lie completely.
(b) Refuse to talk.
(c) Tell him half truths.
(d) Cry to get his sympathy.

7. What does Willy start doing once everyone knows she is a girl?
(a) Taking advantage of Horace's protectiveness.
(b) Sewing.
(c) Going to church.
(d) Wearing female clothing again.

8. What does Aunt Betsy realize that Uncle Jack does not?
(a) Lucy might live if she sees Willy.
(b) Willy is willing to risk capture.
(c) Willy has become very mature.
(d) Willy must see her mother.

9. What else does Mr. Fraunces say Willy can do in New York?
(a) Search for her mother.
(b) Sell flowers on the corner.
(c) Be a chimney sweep.
(d) Spy on the British.

10. Why can't many of the prisoners walk?
(a) They are not used to moving.
(b) They have lost limbs.
(c) They are too weak.
(d) Injuries due to frostbite.

11. When do the British finally leave New York?
(a) Right after their surrender.
(b) Summer.
(c) The next Fall.
(d) Not until the next winter.

12. Why does Mr. Fraunces pay Willy and Horace?
(a) They are free people.
(b) He feels sorry for them.
(c) His conscience forces him to do so.
(d) He lost a court case.

13. What does Horace say is the key to telling lies?
(a) The liar has to appear lower in the eyes of the listener.
(b) The liar should look directly into the listener's eyes.
(c) The liar has to believe the lie.
(d) The liar should not look at the listener's eyes.

14. Who brings Lucy to Stratton?
(a) Jack.
(b) Captain Ivers.
(c) Mr. Goodrich.
(d) Dan Arabus.

15. What does Willy do when she feels guilty for spending her money foolishly?
(a) Vows to be better.
(b) Asks Mr. Fraunces to keep her pay safe for her.
(c) Gives Horace some.
(d) Asks Horace to keep her pay safe for her.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is Horace?

2. Why does Willy think she should search Canvas Town?

3. What do most people say about the female prisoners on the ships?

4. Who comes in when Willy and Horace are about to eat?

5. Mr. Goodrich says he can help Willy with _____________.

(see the answer keys)

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