War Comes to Willy Freeman Test | Final Test - Easy

James Collier
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

War Comes to Willy Freeman Test | Final Test - Easy

James Collier
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why can't many of the prisoners walk?
(a) Injuries due to frostbite.
(b) They have lost limbs.
(c) They are too weak.
(d) They are not used to moving.

2. What does Uncle Jack say when he sees Willy?
(a) She is safe as Captain Ivers is dead.
(b) Mrs. Ledyard verified Willy's freedom.
(c) Willy's mother has been there for several months.
(d) She is in danger.

3. What does Willy try to do at first when speaking to Mr. Fraunces?
(a) Refuse to talk.
(b) Tell him half truths.
(c) Lie completely.
(d) Cry to get his sympathy.

4. What is the "Queen's Head"?
(a) The tavern Mr. Fraunces owns.
(b) A boarding room for young black females.
(c) A promontory on the Hudson River.
(d) A promontory near what is now Ellis Island.

5. Why does Mr. Fraunces pay Willy and Horace?
(a) His conscience forces him to do so.
(b) He lost a court case.
(c) He feels sorry for them.
(d) They are free people.

6. Why is Jack in trouble with Captain Ivers?
(a) For keeping Lucy in the cellar.
(b) For leaving the estate to travel to New York.
(c) For hitting the Captain.
(d) For lying.

7. What is a Canvas Town?
(a) A town about forty miles north of New York City.
(b) A town about twenty miles south of New York City.
(c) A burned area in New York City.
(d) An area where the British soldiers are housed.

8. What does the woman want in exchange for more information about Willy's mother?
(a) Money.
(b) A job at the Queen's Head.
(c) Willy's necklace.
(d) Food.

9. Why does Willy think she should search Canvas Town?
(a) Mr. Fraunces suggests that she do so.
(b) Some of the women who are homeless end up in Canvas Town.
(c) She would be safe there.
(d) Someone saw a group of black women there.

10. What does Mr. Goodrich urge Willy to do?
(a) Contact him if she finds herself in trouble.
(b) Stay in New York since her mother will probably be dead before she gets to her.
(c) Take Horace for safety.
(d) Go to her mother immediately.

11. To whom does Willy know she should write?
(a) Aunt Betsy.
(b) Mrs. Ledyard.
(c) No one.
(d) Captain Ivers.

12. What does Willy do when she feels guilty for spending her money foolishly?
(a) Asks Horace to keep her pay safe for her.
(b) Vows to be better.
(c) Gives Horace some.
(d) Asks Mr. Fraunces to keep her pay safe for her.

13. How does Horace end up going with Willy to Canvas Town?
(a) She suggests he is too scared to go with her.
(b) She pays him her weekly salary.
(c) Mr. Fraunces tells him to go with Willy.
(d) She begs him while crying.

14. For whom does Willy say she works?
(a) The American general.
(b) Sam Fraunces.
(c) No one.
(d) The British general.

15. Where does Willy find Uncle Jack?
(a) In the woods.
(b) In the kitchen of his small shack.
(c) In the barn.
(d) In the chicken coop.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Willy fear about the woman in Canvas Town?

2. What is the young boy who offers Willy a ride carrying?

3. Who is Horace?

4. Where does Willy think Mr. Fraunces' loyalties might lie?

5. What does Willy do when she is sent to buy sweets for the tavern?

(see the answer keys)

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