Waiting for Lefty Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Waiting for Lefty Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who are the hack and his girl?
(a) Irv and Edna.
(b) Irv and Florence.
(c) Sid and Florence.
(d) Joe and Edna.

2. What does Sid mean by "backwash" if he and Florence married?
(a) The families would benefit from the marriage.
(b) The marriage would negatively affect the families.
(c) The families would back them up.
(d) Everything would work out okay.

3. What is one of the rewards Sam can expect for fighting in the war?
(a) He can work wherever he wants.
(b) He becomes a hero.
(c) Girls will think he's special.
(d) He gets to play basketball.

4. Why is Benjamin surprised by the board's discriminatory firing?
(a) Fellow Jews sit on the board.
(b) He has gotten only excellent reviews in the past.
(c) He thought Barnes would protect him.
(d) Rich Gentiles have accepted him in the past.

5. What does the hack do for a living?
(a) Performs surgery on animals.
(b) Works as a butcher.
(c) Drives a taxi cab.
(d) Makes furniture out of wood.

6. Why does Benjamin choose not to leave the United States?
(a) He cannot get a passport.
(b) His wife does not want to leave her family.
(c) He cannot afford to leave the country.
(d) He wants to fight for workers' rights in the United States.

7. How does Benjamin's unexpected job loss affect his understanding of the world?
(a) He understands he is powerless to change the world.
(b) It is just another bad day for him.
(c) His understanding remains unchanged.
(d) He realizes he has a responsibility to change the world.

8. Why does Benjamin feel that he will not be affected by the ward closing?
(a) He is too good to let go.
(b) He has had seniority for a while.
(c) He was recently promoted to the senior position
(d) He was promised a permanent contract.

9. Who does Fatt ask to stop the talkative Voice?
(a) Gunman.
(b) Committee members.
(c) His supporters in the audience.
(d) No one. He let him talk.

10. How does the hack feel about his girl?
(a) He is confused about her.
(b) He is excited about their future together.
(c) He is stuck on her.
(d) She is a way to pass the time.

11. What do Fatt's men do to the Voice?
(a) Throw him out.
(b) Keep him seated.
(c) Rough him up.
(d) Threaten him.

12. How is the girl like Miller from Scene 3?
(a) She works in a laboratory.
(b) She does not smoke or drink.
(c) She just got a raise.
(d) She just lost her job.

13. What "complications" result in Benjamin's firing?
(a) Benjamin punches a doctor.
(b) The board makes a mistake.
(c) He is Jewish.
(d) Benjamin complains to the board about closing the ward.

14. How does Dr. Barnes feel about the way the board treats Benjamin?
(a) Rebellious.
(b) Angry.
(c) Surprised.
(d) Nonchalant.

15. What is Clayton's reaction to the workers' rejection of him?
(a) He leaves the meeting.
(b) It confuses him.
(c) He accepts the rejection.
(d) He becomes defensive.

Short Answer Questions

1. What metaphor do Benjamin and Dr. Barnes use to describe Benjamin's experiences with anti-Semitism?

2. Where do Florence and Sid get the scene they act out?

3. What is the speaker's attitude toward Fatt?

4. In what year does Scene 4 occur?

5. What does Sid's brother do to deal with the trying economic times?

(see the answer keys)

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