Waiting for Godot Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Waiting for Godot Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to Pozzo, Lucky calls the performance he gives at the end of Act I
(a) The Hard Stool.
(b) The Hornpipe.
(c) The Scapegoat's Agony.
(d) The Net.

2. When Pozzo observes that Lucky has stopped crying, but Estragon is now crying. Pozzo explains that
(a) There is a constant quantity of tears and laughter in the world and that when one person stops laughing or crying, another can laugh or cry.
(b) Crying is a normal and natural response to pain.
(c) Everybody in the world is crying.
(d) People cry when they are unhappy.

3. In Act I, when Vladimer and Estragon first encounter Pozzo and Lucky, Vladimir moves towards Lucky, but Pozzo says Lucky is
(a) Happy to make new friends.
(b) Very dirty and bad smelling.
(c) Not very nice.
(d) Dangerous, especially toward strangers.

4. Upon first encountering Pozzo, Estragon wants to know if he is
(a) Also waiting for Godot.
(b) Lost.
(c) Godot.
(d) Here to bring news of Godot.

5. What does Estragon remember about the Bible?
(a) The maps and pretty colors.
(b) Moses and the Ten Commandments.
(c) Descriptions of the desert.
(d) The temples.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Act I, the relationship between Pozzo and Lucky is demonstrated by the fact that each time Pozzo asks Lucky to bring him something, Lucky

2. After some time observing Lucky and the relationship he has with Pozzo, at the end of Act I, it is clear that Lucky is

3. While they are waiting for Godot, Estragon and Vladimir talk about

4. Pozzo tells Estragon and Vladimir that he is taking Lucky to the fair to

5. After eating and disposing of the chicken bones, Pozzo finally decides to relax and

Short Essay Questions

1. Vladimir is closely associated with a particular prop. What is that prop? Why do you think Beckett chose that prop and what does it contribute to the play?

2. Who are the five characters in "Waiting for Godot?"

3. Estragon and Vladimir have a second conversation about radishes and carrots. How does the conversation differ from the one in Act I and why might Beckett includes this second conversation?

4. Before the boy leaves at the end of Act II, what does Vladimir ask him to do?

5. What happens to the bones after Pozzo has finished eating?

6. How does Pozzo feel about meeting new people?

7. How does the idea of hanging and Estragon and Vladimir's inability to come up with a workable plan contribute to the atmosphere of the play?

8. When Vladimir wakes Estragon up in Act II and he finds Lucky's hat, what does Vladimir suggests they do to pass the time?

9. In Act II, while Pozzo is obviously in distress and asking for help, what are Estragon and Vladimir doing? Pozzo keeps calling for help and finally offers what to Estragon and Vladimir?

10. After the discussion about radishes in Act II, what does Vladimir suggest he and Estragon do to pass the time?

(see the answer keys)

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