Waiting for Godot Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Waiting for Godot Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Estragon falls asleep again in Act II, and, again, Vladimir wakes him up. Estragon asks Vladimir
(a) To find him some food for dinner.
(b) Why he won't let him sleep.
(c) If Godot has come.
(d) To quit bothering him and take a nap, too.

2. The boy tells Vladimir that he has a brother who also works for Godot and minds the
(a) Cows.
(b) Horses.
(c) Goats.
(d) Sheep.

3. Vladimir and Pozzo tell Estragon to go check on Lucky in Act II. When he tells them he doesn't want to do it, they tell Estragon
(a) To go find dinner if he isn't going to check on Lucky.
(b) It is his chance for revenge.
(c) To go away.
(d) Je has to do it.

4. When Estragon says he doesn't know why he was beaten at the beginning of Act II, Vladimir tells him
(a) He must have been trespassing.
(b) It isn't just what you do but the way you do it that matters.
(c) Godot will make sure it doesn't happen again.
(d) He must have been doing something wrong.

5. Estragon realizes it is too late for Godot to come by the end of the second day. Vladimir agrees because it is
(a) Snowing.
(b) Night.
(c) Raining.
(d) Time to sleep.

6. The boy claims to work or Mr. Godot by minding the
(a) Cows.
(b) Goats.
(c) Sheep.
(d) Horses.

7. What is Estragon's reply when Vladimir tells him he cannot go barefoot in Act 1?
(a) Estragon says he can because Christ did.
(b) Estragon reminds Vladimir that he always goes barefoot.
(c) Estragon promises to buy another pair of boots soon.
(d) Estragon argued that it will only be for one night.

8. In Act II, Vladimir tells Estragon that he woke him up
(a) To tell him that Godot had arrived.
(b) Because he was lonely.
(c) Because he thought Estragon was rude to go to sleep.
(d) Because dinner was ready.

9. In Act I, Vladimir asks the boy if he has been where they are before. The boy replies that
(a) He needs their help.
(b) He has been there many times.
(c) This is his first time.
(d) He is lost and needs directions.

10. In the second act, after waiting so long for Godot, Vladimir tells Estragon he is proud of the fact that
(a) Even though they may not be saints, they kept their appointment.
(b) They are better people than Pozzo because they do not beat people.
(c) They are strong enough to beat up Lucky.
(d) Smart enough to take advantage of Pozzo.

11. Vladimir realizes Estragon has been beaten again and tells him he wouldn't have let "them" beat Estragon because he would
(a) Help Estragon run away so he wouldn't get beaten.
(b) Ask Godot to help Estragon.
(c) Stop Estragon from doing whatever he did to receive the beating.
(d) Beat up all of the people who beat Estragon.

12. Throughout the dialogue in Act II, Estragon and Vladimir are doing their best to keep talking so they don't
(a) Think about how dull it is to keep waiting for Godot.
(b) Have to remember how hungry they are.
(c) Have to hear all the dead voices.
(d) Keep falling asleep.

13. Who does the boy tell Estragon and Vladimir that Mr. Godot beats?
(a) The boy's mother.
(b) Himself.
(c) The boy's brother.
(d) The other boy who minds the cows.

14. As they are preparing to leave at the end of Act I, Estragon looks at the tree and tells Vladimir that
(a) It's too bad they don't have some rope.
(b) It looks like an apple tree.
(c) They could use the tree for fire wood.
(d) The tree looks like it might be dying.

15. Considering the possibility that they might have trouble hanging themselves, Estragon says that Vladimir could hang onto his legs. Vladimir asks him
(a) If he is really certain he wants to do this.
(b) Who would hang onto his (Vladimir's) legs.
(c) If he thinks the tree can hold them both.
(d) If he is sure that would work.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Vladimir tells Estragon he is happy in Act II, how does Estragon react?

2. When Estragon wakes up in Act II, disoriented by a nightmare, Vladimir

3. When they finally decide no one is coming after they think they hear something in Act II, Vladimir tells Estragon he must

4. After Estragon and Vladimir help Pozzo stand up in Act II, Pozzo asks Estragon and Vladimir if they are friends of his. They tell him

5. At the beginning of Act II, Vladimir sings a song about a

(see the answer keys)

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