Waiting for Godot Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Waiting for Godot Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Just as Act I is ending,
(a) Estragon and Vladimir eat.
(b) A boy enters the stage.
(c) Estragon and Vladimir fall asleep.
(d) Pozzo and Lucky come back.

2. As Act I is ending, Vladimir tells Estragon that everything will be better tomorrow because
(a) They will be seeing Pozzo and Lucky.
(b) They will be going on a trip.
(c) The boy told them that Godot will come tomorrow.
(d) They will go to visit Mr. Godot.

3. Vladimir and Pozzo tell Estragon to go check on Lucky in Act II. When he tells them he doesn't want to do it, they tell Estragon
(a) It is his chance for revenge.
(b) To go find dinner if he isn't going to check on Lucky.
(c) Je has to do it.
(d) To go away.

4. When Vladimir tries to talk to Estragon about what happened the day before with the tree and Pozzo and Lucky, Estragon tells him
(a) Lucky finally ran away.
(b) Pozzo and Lucky have left.
(c) He has forgotten everything.
(d) The tree now has leaves.

5. Vladimir asks the boy if Mr. Godot has a beard. The boy tells him that he does and that it is
(a) White.
(b) Brown.
(c) Black.
(d) Red.

6. After he wakes up from his nightmare, Estragon gets irritated because Vladimir won't stop
(a) Moving and walking.
(b) Sleeping.
(c) Laughing at him.
(d) Talking.

7. When they finally decide no one is coming after they think they hear something in Act II, Vladimir tells Estragon he must
(a) Find Godot immediately.
(b) Have had a vision.
(c) Leave for good.
(d) Go find something to eat for them.

8. In Act II, Vladimir gives Estragon a radish,
(a) But Estragon does not want it because it is blackand he only likes pink radishes.
(b) And Estragon thanks him and eats it quickly.
(c) But Estragon gives it back to him and tells him he is not hungry.
(d) But does not want it because he doesn't like radishes.

9. As Act I is ending, the boy tells Estragon and Vladimir that Mr. Godot will not come to see them today,
(a) But he will surely come tomorrow.
(b) And he will not be able to come to see them for some weeks.
(c) Because he has no intention of ever coming.
(d) Because he has already seen them.

10. Vladimir greets Estragon at the beginning of Act II and wants to embrace him. Estragon tells Vladimir not to
(a) Leave him.
(b) Come near him.
(c) Touch him.
(d) Embrace him.

11. After Estragon and Vladimir help Pozzo stand up in Act II, Pozzo asks Estragon and Vladimir if they are friends of his. They tell him
(a) They are going to take Pozzo and Lucky to their house.
(b) They are, otherwise they wouldn't have helped him.
(c) They are going to help Lucky escape.
(d) They are going to take his food.

12. In Act II, Vladimir tells Estragon that he woke him up
(a) Because he thought Estragon was rude to go to sleep.
(b) Because he was lonely.
(c) Because dinner was ready.
(d) To tell him that Godot had arrived.

13. As Pozzo and Lucky are leaving near the end of the play, Vladimir asks Pozzo what they do when they fall down and there is no one to help them. Pozzo tells him
(a) They take the opportunity to take a nap.
(b) They pay someone to pick them up.
(c) They beg for help until someone takes pity on them.
(d) They wait until they can get up.

14. How many people does Estragon tells Vladimir beat him up?
(a) 10.
(b) 5.
(c) 12.
(d) 8.

15. In the second act, after waiting so long for Godot, Vladimir tells Estragon he is proud of the fact that
(a) Smart enough to take advantage of Pozzo.
(b) They are better people than Pozzo because they do not beat people.
(c) They are strong enough to beat up Lucky.
(d) Even though they may not be saints, they kept their appointment.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Estragon comments that his boots are too big in Act II, Vladimir tells him that perhaps, someday, he will

2. Estragon and Vladimir talk about what time it is in the middle of the second act. Pozzo keeps begging them to tell him if it is

3. When Estragon and Vladimir find the hat that Lucky left behind the day before, they

4. What is the first thing Vladimir suggests Estragon do when he checks on Lucky in Act II?

5. As the boy is about to leave at the end of Act I, he asks Vladimir what he should tell Mr. Godot. Vladimir tells him to tell Mr. Godot that

(see the answer keys)

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