Violets Are Blue Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 86 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Violets Are Blue Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 86 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How are Cross and the dinner guest connected?
(a) Cousins
(b) Previous case
(c) Colleagues
(d) Former lovers

2. Cross heads to the next crime scene in which state?
(a) Georgia
(b) North Carolina
(c) South Carolina
(d) Kentucky

3. Who do the police find during the raid?
(a) Mastermind
(b) Vampires
(c) More victims
(d) Runaways

4. Which is not a trait of Cross' stalker?
(a) Cunning
(b) Determined
(c) Stranger
(d) Impulsive

5. Where are the latest victims found?
(a) Bar
(b) Bathtub
(c) Bedroom
(d) Backstage

Short Answer Questions

1. Where is Cross' normal day job?

2. To whom does Cross apologize for being away from home?

3. What instrument does Cross keep on the porch?

4. How do the police know the motive isn't robbery?

5. Who/what does Snyder want to follow?

Short Essay Questions

1. Where does the Mastermind sit and think about his superiority? In what areas is the Mastermind superior to Cross?

2. What do you think the killers meant when they told Martha Wiatt that she had been "chosen?" Why is it important for the vampires to "choose" their victims?

3. What did Snyder intend to do after the murders? How did Irwin plan to live out his dreams of being a true vampire?

4. There are strong expectations put upon Cross about attending his son's concert. Why is there such significance about Cross' presence?

5. Who is John Sampson? How does Sampson play an integral role in the story?

6. What are some of the reasons that becoming an FBI agent seems appealing to Cross? How would leaving the Metro police department affect Cross?

7. Why does the Mastermind keep leaving clues for Cross?

8. Why aren't the killers interested in money or material possessions? Why do the vampires always leave money and jewelery behind after killing a victim?

9. While at home, Cross takes little Alex out for a walk in his stroller. What does Cross request from Little Alex?

10. Why is Cross relieved when Kyle Craig agrees to fly to San Francisco? What about Craig makes Cross feel secure?

(see the answer keys)

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