Upon the Head of the Goat: A Childhood in Hungary 1939-1944 Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Upon the Head of the Goat: A Childhood in Hungary 1939-1944 Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where did Mother take a telephone call?
(a) The telephone office.
(b) Home.
(c) The Police station.
(d) The train station.

2. Why was Mother upset in the beginning of chapter 12?
(a) Lilli had been taken away.
(b) Father had been injured.
(c) Lilli had been beaten.
(d) Iboya had been arrested.

3. What did Mother try to do?
(a) Hang out sheets for privacy.
(b) Organize the prisoners.
(c) Bargain with the guards.
(d) Talk to the officials about supplies.

4. What was Mother's response to Uncle Sanyi?
(a) She found people to take care of him.
(b) She came with him to identify the body.
(c) She let him stay the night.
(d) She sent him home.

5. How did this ultimatum affect Mother?
(a) She vowed never to leave the house.
(b) She got ready to leave.
(c) She refused to give up any names.
(d) She gave up her savings.

6. How does Piri say Iboya would return from work?
(a) Despondent.
(b) Contented.
(c) Jubilant.
(d) Exhausted.

7. Who was Gari Weiss?
(a) A soldier.
(b) Piri's teacher.
(c) Piri's first crush.
(d) Piri's cousin.

8. What plans were made at the places Iboya went in secret?
(a) To escape from Beregszasz.
(b) To kill Nazis.
(c) To harass Jews.
(d) To shelter Jews.

9. What did Mother tell Piri?
(a) Lajos had contacted his parents.
(b) She would have to take over the household.
(c) Manci was being released.
(d) They would be leaving soon.

10. How old does Piri say the people were at these secret gatherings?
(a) School-age.
(b) Twenties.
(c) Teens.
(d) Forties and fifties.

11. Who was NOT part of Piri's gang of friends?
(a) Iboya.
(b) Judi Gerber.
(c) Henri.
(d) Gari Weiss.

12. What did Iboya confess about Mr. Schwartz?
(a) He was a bootlegger.
(b) He was smuggling Jews.
(c) He was reporting Jews to the police.
(d) He was her lover.

13. What was Iboya's job?
(a) Filing clerk.
(b) Cashier.
(c) Printer's assistant.
(d) Delivery girl.

14. Where were Jews being taken?
(a) To work camps.
(b) To death camps.
(c) To a ghetto.
(d) To work in factories.

15. What did Mother blame herself for?
(a) Not having seen this coming.
(b) Not having wanted to know that this was happening.
(c) Not having left sooner.
(d) Not having kept Lilli closer to home.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Piri describe the ghetto?

2. Where was Iboya when the Germans came?

3. How did this change things for Piri's family?

4. Which country's lead does Piri say Hungary followed in instituting strict Anti-Semite laws?

5. What news did Mother get of Lilli, Lajos and Manci?

(see the answer keys)

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