Up at the Villa Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Up at the Villa Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Mary decide she will tell Edgar the truth about her and Karl?

2. Where is Mary when she receives a telegram?

3. Who is Mary relieved to find at the social function at the Villa Bolognese?

4. What does the Princess say she would do if she were such a poor musician?

5. What does Mary say about Karl when asked?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who wakes Mary and what does Mary tell the person?

2. How does the altercation between Karl and Mary resolve itself?

3. How does Mary feel about what Karl tells her about his life?

4. What does Mary think about Rowley?

5. What is said between Rowley and Mary about Edgar and Mary's possible marriage to him?

6. Describe the scene of Mary and Rowley getting rid of Karl's body.

7. What does Nina relate to Mary about what Nina learns from Agata?

8. What does Rowley ask for that upsets Mary?

9. Describe Karl's life in Austria.

10. What does Rowley advise Mary to do before he leaves early that morning?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

When Edgar is working up to proposing marriage to Mary and after his proposal, he lists the advantages of such a union. Discuss the following:

1. List three criteria which you believe are essential for a good marriage. Discuss why you choose those three and then discuss if you believe Mary and Edgar's relationship possesses those qualities. Use examples from the text.

2. List three criteria which you believe make a successful marriage impossible. Discuss why you choose those three and then discuss if you believe Mary and Edgar's relationship possesses those qualities. Use examples from the text.

3. Using the three criteria which you list for both a successful marriage and those which would greatly hinder a successful marriage, argue whether or not you believe Mary and Rowley's marriage will be successful or a failure based upon the six criteria you cited.

Essay Topic 2

Rowley isn't very favorably seen by his peers and Mary says that his biggest disgrace is that he's never had to work. Discuss the following:

1. Do you think it is harmful for someone to be "born into money"? What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of such a situation?

2. What character traits of Rowley's do you think are directly or indirectly attributable to his never having to work and have all the money he needs/wants? Discuss fully using examples from the text.

3. Assuming you have not been born into the same type of situation as Rowley, do you think you would want to have been born into a very wealthy family that did not require you to earn a living? Why or why not.

4. What do you think Rowley should have been (could be) doing differently with his money that might be more positive--or is it positive enough to just want to enjoy life? Explain fully.

Essay Topic 3

W. Somerset Maugham was quite a prolific writer and lead a somewhat unconventional life for the times. Discuss the following:

1. Research and write an informative essay about the life of W. Somerset Maugham.

2. In what ways do Maugham's beliefs seem to be reflected in Up at the Villa?

3. Do you think Maugham is more like Swift or Flint? Explain your answer with examples from your research and the text.

4. How much of an author's personality do you think is reflected in his/her writing? Can an author keep him/herself completely out of the text? Why or why not.

(see the answer keys)

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