Undaunted Courage Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Undaunted Courage Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Lewis described the Siouxs' ruling passion as

2. By this time, Jefferson has retired to Monticello, and the new president is

3. Although successful in his public life, Lewis failed to

4. Speculation about the eight-month period include the possibility that

5. Lewis found it difficult, at the end, to

Short Essay Questions

1. How did Sacagawea lose her blue beads?

2. Describe the difference between the more northern Walla Walla Indians and the coastal Chinookian tribes, as Lewis perceived it.

3. Does it seem odd that the Captains and their soldiers had no idea of how they would be rewarded by the government prior to their return from the expedition?

4. Lewis experiences pain that far exceeds any he has been through on the trip thus far. Describe the incident.

5. Explain Lewis' maneuvering when he arrived in St. Louis, with respect to communicating about the expedition.

6. The author speculates, in addition to other possibilities, that Lewis had a combination of malaria, manic-depression psychosis, alcoholism or some other physical ailments. Discuss what may have sent Lewis into depression at this point in his life.

7. What is it that begins to finally destroy Lewis financially?

8. What were two of the worst problems for the expedition at Clatsop? Explain

9. Describe the relationship between the Corps of Discovery and the Nez Perce.

10. As governor of the Louisiana Territory, Lewis was in over his head. How did Lewis fail in his job as governor?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Research and write an exploratory essay on the Nez Perce Indians

1) The Nez Perce were favored by Lewis and Clark as being kind, generous and trustworthy.

2) Did the Nez Perce have any earlier history with, or prior reasons to trust the white men?

3) What was the ultimate disposition of their tribe? How did the US government deal with them? Is there a reservation? Is the tribe still in existence?

4) Research and describe the customs and traditions in the Nez Perce culture.

Essay Topic 2

John Coulter left the expedition to go on to explore the Yellowstone area, with Lewis' blessings.

1) What can we learn about John Coulter? Is he famous in the annals of American history for his work?

2) Did Coulter have any productive interactions with Indians in the Yellowstone country?

3) Did Coulter keep journals, and was he also a "naturalist" like Lewis?

4) Is there any recorded history of why he made such a decision?

5) What did Coulter accomplish and when/where did he die?

Essay Topic 3

How would it have influenced Meriwether Lewis if he could have seen into the future? Write an informal essay about what changed after his death, such as.

1) Jefferson did not realize that the means of transportation would become faster and more reliable than travel by horse.

2) He did not know that Jefferson would expect him to take complete responsibility for publishing his scientific journals.

3) Some of Jefferson's wild inventions would become reality.

4) The country actually would become one nation under one government.

5) The Indians would be subdued and all but wiped out by the government.

6) There would be many thousands of Americans moving west and settling.

7) Britain and France would no longer occupy parts of America.

(see the answer keys)

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