Undaunted Courage Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Undaunted Courage Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. On their journey back to camp, Windsor and Lewis both

2. Neither Captain took Sacagawea along to meet the Indians

3. The men who served on Lewis & Clark's crew were punished for their violations by

4. Of the 5.5 million people in America during Jefferson's time,

5. The primary means of overland transportation in the 1700s was

Short Essay Questions

1. Why was Jefferson so interested in exploring the West?

2. Is it obvious why Clark's commission stayed that of lieutenant and not captain? How did that affect the two leaders?

3. Why was it fortuitous that the group encountered the Nez Perce Indians?

4. Discuss the large keelboat and its journey back to St. Louis.

5. Given that he was an educated man, how can we account for Lewis' lack of spelling ability?

6. Discuss the punishment meted out to the two soldiers who drank whiskey while on guard duty. Was it fair?

7. What is Lewis' plan at this point for the remainder of the trip?

8. Discuss Lewis' mental meanderings on his 32nd birthday.

9. Of what, exactly, was the "great father" trying to convince the Indians, under Jefferson's instructions?

10. Why were the Captains' gifts considered insufficient by the Teton Sioux Indians?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Lewis and Clark's original journals are priceless, invaluable items of American history.

1) Where are they today? Have they been preserved?

2) What kind of materials were they written on and with?

3) How much of the journals are missing, if any?

4) Has anyone, besides Biddle, tried to edit and rewrite them for general consumption? Why, or why not?

Essay Topic 2

Research and write an expository essay on the rumor/legend/fact that Thomas Jefferson had an affair and a child with his black slave.

1) What is known about this rumor now? Was it true?

2) Have the relatives of this relationship surfaced, and, if so, how much credibility can we give to their stories?

3) Jefferson was never married. Can it be determined whether he was in love with this female slave?

4) Jefferson was known as something of a womanizer. If there is little factual information to support the affair, is it likely to have been true, given Jefferson's lifestyle?

Essay Topic 3

Lewis was a Republican; Clark married into a Federalist family. In an essay, explain the differences between the two parties. Compare and contrast:

1) The parties' basic philosophies

2) Their political platforms and future goals

3) How much volatility existed between them

4) Can the parties be compared to our currently existing two parties? How?

4) Name some famous Republicans and Federalists, besides those in the book

(see the answer keys)

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