Undaunted Courage Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Undaunted Courage Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Captain Clark, unlike Lewis,
(a) Married his childhood sweetheart
(b) Married his first cousin
(c) Fell in love and married
(d) Had several children out of wedlock

2. By this time, Jefferson has retired to Monticello, and the new president is
(a) Jackson
(b) Truman
(c) Madison
(d) Lincoln

3. Opening the cache let in 1805, Lewis found that
(a) The plant specimens were ruined
(b) His written documents were wet
(c) His maps and instruments were gone
(d) The food was missing

4. The Captains try to arrange an agreement for the Nez Perce to
(a) Pay more respect to Twisted Hair
(b) Trade their horses with the Blackfoot
(c) Give up a portion of their horses
(d) Move to the eastern side of the Continental Divide

5. Upon escaping a violent situation with Blackfoot warriors, Lewis burned
(a) Nearly all of the Indians' belongings
(b) The hides under which they had all slept
(c) Blankets and foodstuffs
(d) A British musket

Short Answer Questions

1. The Americans astonished the Indians by

2. In an unfortunate hunting incident, Meriwether Lewis is accidentally

3. Unlike the coastal Chinook Indians, the Walla-Walla Indians prove to be

4. With hostile Blackfeet behind and him hostile Sioux ahead, Lewis learns that

5. Captain Lewis has his doubts about Jefferson's hope to

Short Essay Questions

1. Discuss Meriwether Lewis' response to the fact that some of his soldiers were planning to publish their own journals of the expedition.

2. Lewis experiences pain that far exceeds any he has been through on the trip thus far. Describe the incident.

3. The author speculates, in addition to other possibilities, that Lewis had a combination of malaria, manic-depression psychosis, alcoholism or some other physical ailments. Discuss what may have sent Lewis into depression at this point in his life.

4. Why did the Captains make the dangerous decision to divide the men into five groups?

5. Why were the two chiefs, Twisted Hair and Cut Nose, angry at one another and how was it resolved?

6. In what way was Lewis being overly confident when crossing the Lolo trail?

7. How did Sacagawea lose her blue beads?

8. Describe Lewis' desperate act in the spring of 1806.

9. Why was General Clark upset with his loyal slave, York?

10. Explain Lewis' maneuvering when he arrived in St. Louis, with respect to communicating about the expedition.

(see the answer keys)

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