Undaunted Courage Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Undaunted Courage Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Lewis was instructed by Sacagawea that, in Shoshone, "tab-ba-bone" meant
(a) White man
(b) We want peace
(c) We are hungry
(d) Let us trade

2. Lewis spoke to the Shoshone chief through
(a) Captain Clark
(b) An elderly woman
(c) A young warrior
(d) One of his French officers

3. Neither Captain took Sacagawea along to meet the Indians
(a) Because she needed to stay with her child
(b) Because she was only good for negotiating
(c) Because they were concerned about her health
(d) For unknown reasons

4. Lewis hoped that the Indians would accept
(a) The concept of trading their furs for beads
(b) The ravaging of their lands
(c) The idea of sharing the buffalo
(d) American sovereignty

5. Lewis recommended that Jefferson consider Yellowstone's junction with the Missouri as a site for
(a) A trading post
(b) A military installation
(c) A new township
(d) The new western capital

Short Answer Questions

1. Because Lewis' iron-frame boat failed, Clark directed the men to

2. Merriwether Lewis and Captain William Clark are

3. Clark noted that he was concerned that the expedition had insufficient

4. In addition to the enlisted men, the group included York, who was

5. Although he is formally educated, Meriwether Lewis returns to Virginia

Short Essay Questions

1. Why did the Shoshones hesitate to go with Lewis to meet Clark and help the expedition over the Lemhi River?

2. What was ironic about the government's response to the Whiskey Rebellion of 1794?

3. Discuss the punishment meted out to the two soldiers who drank whiskey while on guard duty. Was it fair?

4. Why were the Captains' gifts considered insufficient by the Teton Sioux Indians?

5. Discuss the perception of the speed of travel in Jefferson's time in 1801.

6. Of what, exactly, was the "great father" trying to convince the Indians, under Jefferson's instructions?

7. What is Lewis' plan at this point for the remainder of the trip?

8. What was the primary reason for wanting to find the Shoshones at this point in the trip?

9. Did Jefferson see something special in Meriwether Lewis?

10. Why did it take so long for Lewis' keelboat to be built?

(see the answer keys)

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