Undaunted Courage Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Undaunted Courage Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The Captains try to arrange an agreement for the Nez Perce to
(a) Trade their horses with the Blackfoot
(b) Pay more respect to Twisted Hair
(c) Move to the eastern side of the Continental Divide
(d) Give up a portion of their horses

2. Lewis idealistically thought that the Indians and white Americans would come together through
(a) Spirituality
(b) Ideology
(c) Acceptance
(d) Commerce

3. By the time Lewis reaches Grinder's Inn, he seems
(a) Drunken and disorderly
(b) Irrational and deranged
(c) To be feeling much better
(d) Confident and rested

4. Lewis and Clark break the expedition up in groups to
(a) Document wildlife
(b) Perform different assignments
(c) Find food and grass
(d) Lighten the loads

5. Opening the cache let in 1805, Lewis found that
(a) His written documents were wet
(b) The food was missing
(c) His maps and instruments were gone
(d) The plant specimens were ruined

6. Lewis triumphantly returned to the east with
(a) Leftover supplies
(b) Half of the men ill or deceased
(c) All his men in good health
(d) Just a few men left

7. Two of the group stayed behind with the Mandans. They were
(a) The Field brothers
(b) John Colter and Captain Clark
(c) Sacagawea and Charbonneau
(d) Dickson and Hancock

8. Lewis' first attempt at suicide was
(a) A false alarm
(b) A misfire
(c) Unsuccessful
(d) A call for help

9. Speculation about the eight-month period include the possibility that
(a) Lewis was having an affair
(b) Lewis suffered from malaria
(c) Lewis was tired of all the attention
(d) Lewis was in a diabetic coma

10. St. Louis in 1808 was
(a) The capital of the US
(b) A scene of great poverty
(c) A melting pot of different cultures
(d) A dangerous town for the French

11. Jefferson felt that the Indians would give over their land in exchange for
(a) Liquor and tobacco
(b) Guns and ammunition
(c) Peace and sovereignty
(d) Payment of their mounting debts to America

12. With hostile Blackfeet behind and him hostile Sioux ahead, Lewis learns that
(a) Sioux chiefs are on their way to Washington
(b) Most of the tribes are preparing for war
(c) His letter was not delivered to Heney
(d) His wounds will take weeks to heal

13. Lewis left his estate to
(a) Thomas Jefferson
(b) His mother
(c) His half-brother
(d) William Clark

14. In an unfortunate hunting incident, Meriwether Lewis is accidentally
(a) Caught in quicksand
(b) Shot in the arm
(c) Shot in the buttocks
(d) Lost in the plains

15. Toward the end, Meriwether Lewis' behavior grew
(a) Stable
(b) Serene
(c) Unpredictable
(d) Vibrant

Short Answer Questions

1. A strong, affectionate bond was forged between

2. The history of fur trade in America was one of

3. The Captains decided to ride out some very dangerous rapids, which resulted in

4. The author suspects that Meriwether Lewis was

5. During Clark's journey to Yellowstone,

(see the answer keys)

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